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How to promote YouTube videos

How to promote YouTube videos

Today, YouTube is one of the most effective channels for business promotion. However, it is not enough to shoot a video and upload it to your channel. You need to work on the design and navigation of your YouTube channel and the promotion of the video. In this article, we will tell you what is…
DMCA complaint: what is it and how to takedown it from the website

DMCA complaint: what is it and how to takedown it from the website

The content of the resource directly influences ranking on search engine organic results. If you put a lot of effort into creating it, you should definitely protect it. And Google DMCA will help you protect your content from plagiarism.Google DMCA. What is DMCA DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) is a law that protects authorial content…
10 methods for improving Google Ads search advertising

10 methods for improving Google Ads search advertising

Optimization of Google Ads should be carried out constantly, both during the testing period and during its management. In this way, it is easier to detect errors and find points that bring direct losses.  Why optimize an advertising campaign Optimizing your advertising campaign is the key to the success of your business.After all, it will…
Travel agency promotion on social networks

Travel agency promotion on social networks

Each owner of a company in the tourist field — a small travel agency, a network of agencies or a large tour operator — is interested in making his company well-known to as many potential customers interested in the offered services as possible. Social networks are often used to attract a paying audience as an…
10 proven ways to get Google to index your website

10 proven ways to get Google to index your website

The basic step in working with SEO is to set up indexing of the site because, without it, users will not be able to see the resource. Competent indexing in the future will allow you to avoid problems with promotion. What is website indexing Website indexing in Google is the collection and entry of information…
Local Services Ads

Local Services Ads

Internet sales are becoming more popular. But still, they can’t replace visiting a physical store, as not all goods and services can be bought online. Some categories of goods can be bought only in offline stores. For example, you can’t manage without offline sales, if you need to have a haircut or buy glasses for…


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