With us, the promotion of your smartphone application will be fast and effective
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Promotion of mobile applications

Promotion of mobile applications in Lanet CLICK has a number of advantages:

The cost of services

Analysis of competitors
Selection of key requests
Optimizing the title and description
Development of banners
A/B testing of the application page
Promotion of the application in the network
Reputation management
Analysis of competitors
Selection of key requests
Optimizing the title and description
Development of banners
A/B testing of the application page
Promotion of the application in the network
Reputation management
Analysis of competitors
Selection of key requests
Optimizing the title and description
Development of banners
A/B testing of the application page
Promotion of the application in the network
Reputation management
PPC advertising for mobile applications
Media planning
Analytics settings
Creating graphics
Writing texts
Setting up and running an ad campaign
Performance monitoring
Preparation of reports

Stages of work

The work on the promotion of smartphone applications is divided into several stages:

of positions

of goals

a strategy

of tools



Why you need to promote your app

Without promotion, the application has a chance to get lost among hundreds of thousands of others and remain unnoticed. So that this does not happen, and the budget for its development is not spent in vain, it is necessary to promote the application.


In addition to increasing downloads, the promotion will help drive more targeted in-app actions (such as making purchases). Promotion can also be launched for applications that have not yet been released. Thanks to this, users will eagerly wait for the application to appear.


What client companies say about us

During the cooperation, the company has proven itself as a professional and reliable partner, and the company's employees have shown high professionalism, creativity, and efficiency in fulfilling the assigned tasks. The professionalism of the specialists in Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

- Funduk.Ua

During our cooperation, this company won our trust with its impeccable work and responsibility for the final result. All services are provided with high quality and on time. We recommend Lanet Click LLC as a reliable and efficient partner in the field of IT services.

- Kovalska Invest LLC

During the period of cooperation, Lanet CLICK LLC has shown its ability to approach tasks with full responsibility and to perform work of high quality and on time. A distinctive feature of the agency's work is the high level of professionalism, organization of the company's employees, and honesty. They promptly respond to force majeure circumstances and effectively organize the work process. We recommend Lanet CLICK for cooperation as a reliable and stable business partner!

- JSC Oschadbank

The company has confirmed its professionalism, activity, and competence in performing the assigned tasks. We are satisfied with the work of Lanet Click LLC and recommend the company as a responsible and reliable partner.

- Lanet Network LTD

The company is a reliable partner, and the company's employees are professionals to whom you can entrust the matter and be sure of the quality and timeliness of the services provided. I confirm that the team of specialists at Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

- IntergalBudInvest

We are often asked

We have collected the most frequently asked questions about the promotion of mobile applications

What is ASO?

This is a comprehensive process of optimizing the page of a mobile application, which ensures the visibility of the application in the App Store and Google Play stores for relevant user requests and its promotion.

What is included in ASO optimization?

As part of ASO optimization, improvements are made to the appearance of the application and text content: a suitable logo, icons and visuals are selected, screenshots and videos are added, the «correct» name is selected, and a competent and understandable description with keywords is created.

How does ASO work?

ASO is similar to SEO for applications. Promotion works on a similar principle: attracting traffic to the application through competent content delivery, with an emphasis on metadata: title, text content with keywords, videos and screenshots.

How much does ASO cost?

The cost of the service depends on the choice of a marketplace for promotion and the list of work required to optimize the application. We will be able to offer the optimal solution to the problem after analyzing competitors.

How does advertising in mobile apps work?

Advertising in mobile apps can be in the form of a banner, block, text, or video, which are disguised as the content of the application itself. Ads are created and paid for by advertisers, app owners allocate space for them, and the platform automatically selects ads that are interesting for the app’s target audience.

Where can mobile app ads be displayed?

Mobile app ads can be shown on Facebook and Instagram (targeted ads), Google Play, YouTube, and Google Ads (contextual ads), and ads on iOS in the iAD system (teaser ads, display ads) are also possible. Each method has its advantages and features. To find out more, order an individual consultation with our specialist.

How much does advertising in a mobile application cost?

The cost of advertising in mobile applications depends on the scale of the advertising campaign, the amount of work, the advertising format used, and other factors. Before launching an advertising campaign, we recommend ASO optimization and audit of contextual advertising. Order an individual consultation to find out more!

Let promotion

popularize your app

Order the service now

The goal of mobile app promotion is to get a user to install or interact with a specific app. Apps are becoming more popular, and the competition is only increasing, so it is important to have a promotion strategy.


What are the promotion methods


Mobile application promotion services include the following techniques:

  • SEO. It covers effective keyword selection, description optimization, icons, screenshots, user ratings and reviews. This service helps increase visibility in app stores.
  • Video advertising on YouTube. Mobile app advertising on YouTube is highly effective. This strategy is characterized by wide audience coverage and a high percentage of engagement among the target audience.
  • Advertising campaigns. There are different types of advertising, such as targeted, contextual, etc., to attract new users and promote your app.


Each of the various methods of promoting applications on the Internet has its advantages and disadvantages. However, if properly configured, they will give positive results and improve the efficiency of your business.


None of these methods alone will provide the amazing results that can be achieved by combining several of them into a single strategy. Therefore, we advise you to choose several promotion methods at once.


What are the benefits of promoting the application


Mobile app promotion has a number of advantages. In particular, competent promotion will help make your application known among the target audience, which will affect the increase in the number of installations.


And thanks to the growth of the number of users, an increase in profit is possible, especially if the application has monetization strategies – advertising, paid features, or subscriptions. In addition, user loyalty will increase. You will be able to offer special promotions, discounts, and upgrades to existing users, which will help increase their loyalty to your business.


In addition, advertising campaigns allow you to collect data about the effectiveness and behavior of users, which helps analyze the results and improve the strategy. Promotion also allows you to stand out among competitors and take a strong position in the market.


Why you should order an application promotion from us


Lanet CLICK digital agency is a group of specialists in creating and implementing advertising projects. We have clearly established processes at all stages of project implementation. It allows us to maintain control over the performance of our duties and compliance with the schedules determined by the cooperation agreement.


And we also have many options for promoting a mobile application in our arsenal. We can offer various promotional tools to promote your app. Our experts will analyze the current situation and offer one or more ways of promotion.


In addition, the Lanet CLICK team provides quality services at an optimal price. To find out the price of promoting your application or to order a service, call or write to us.
