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How to promote a Telegram channel

How to promote a Telegram channel

Telegram has evolved from a simple messenger to a platform with huge earning potential. Big brands create their channels and bots, and highly specialized chats and professional communities in various fields appear. Many people create their channels and want to achieve success in this. At the same time, success means not only the recognition of…
How to attract customers

How to attract customers

The success of any business depends entirely on the number of customers. The question «How to attract customers?» is always the first in the line if the business aims to increase profits by selling more goods and services. That's why we want to discuss what to do to attract customers. To create a unique proposition…
TOP of the best tools and services for SEO site analytics

TOP of the best tools and services for SEO site analytics

To create a successful advertising campaign and promote the site, professionals can not do without collecting data about users and details of visits. To this end, optimizers use a variety of analytics tools.   Why is it so important to analyze traffic? Comprehensive site analytics will help to understand the audience better and tell:  …
How to shorten links: link shortening services

How to shorten links: link shortening services

Why do you need shortened links Let's figure it out. Which link seems less suspicious to you: three lines with strange characters at the end or a short link whose body shows (or is intuitive) where it will take you? The answer is obvious. In addition: shortened links give a complete picture of the statistics.…
Creating an online store: how to open an online store by yourself

Creating an online store: how to open an online store by yourself

Creating an online store is quite simple. It is more difficult to make a profit from it. This article is not only about which platforms, software and tools you should use when starting your own business, it covers all the steps you should follow to open a successful online store from scratch in Ukraine. We suggest…
Identity: what is a brand identity and how to create it

Identity: what is a brand identity and how to create it

Everyone is unique, everyone has their own facial features, character, and habits. All these qualities that distinguish people from each other form our individuality. It's the same with business: the company must have something that will set it apart from others, stand out from competitors, and be remembered. This important component is identity.    Let's…


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