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How to communicate with customers on the Internet


Because of one wrong phrase or delay in response, you can lose a customer forever. How can your manager maintain a healthy, positive reputation in communication with potential buyers?

Personal correspondence with clients

Quite a lot of people prefer online communication to phone conversations. Several rules must be followed in such dialogues:


  • Always refer to users as «You». Such an address allows you to clearly distinguish a friendly conversation from a business one.
  • Do not answer one question in large text in several messages. Avoid a monologue and encourage the interlocutor to maintain a dialogue.
  • Let the person speak. Most messengers show the process when the user types text. Wait for the client to express his opinion. And only after that give a detailed answer.
  • Don’t go off topic. Did the user write to find out specific information about a product or service? Do not impose on him in return goods of another category or services that he is not interested in. The purpose of their appeal is to get a clear answer.

Working with reviews

There will always be critics who will look for mistakes and failures in your work. It is necessary to prepare for this and prevent such situations:


  • A dispute with a client. Do not convince a customer who has complained about the quality of a product or service. Better say thank you for the feedback and write that you will work on improvement.
  • Accusation. Negative feedback may be the result of a combination of circumstances: delivery delay, or system failure. In this case, apologize for the inconvenience and politely explain the situation.
  • Disregard. Every review deserves a response. Say thank you for the positive words, and for the negative evaluation give a correct explanation.


Visits to your website, the number of orders and brand reputation depend on the quality of communication. Do not neglect the rules of polite correspondence, because it can provide you with an influx of new customers.

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