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How to attract customers to an online store

Internet trade continues to grow actively, so enterprising people decide to develop their businesses online. They create a variety of sites that can bring in a stable income. But to start earning, it is worth figuring out how to attract a client via the Internet.

Attracting customers on the Internet

Many business owners search for customers for an online store through the network. But before figuring out how to attract customers, it is necessary to develop a clever marketing strategy, which should contain answers to the following questions:


  • what age group of buyers the goods or services are intended for;
  • their place of residence;
  • user needs.


After completing the work on the strategy, you can safely move on to attracting customers to the online store. In fact, finding customers online is quite simple if you use effective online customer acquisition methods. These are the ones we will share with you.

Engage in SEO promotion

The site’s promotion and SEO is the easiest and most effective way to help attract visitors to the online store and increase the demand for the product. But the promotion of the site will be useless if it has the wrong structure and the content does not meet the following requirements:


  1. The main title should clearly describe the customer’s benefit from purchasing the product.
  2. Presence of attractive graphic filling.
  3. Texts should be written in an understandable and “human” language.
  4. A precise description of the advantages of the offered product.
  5. An absence of grammatical and spelling errors.


After completing optimization work, it will be possible to attract more buyers to the site.

Occupy the first positions of issuance

If your resource is not on the first page of search results, it can be assumed that it is not on the Internet because users rarely go to the second or third page of results. To improve ranking, optimize individual landing pages, collect semantic core, and group keywords based on search engine output. Consider: it will take a long time to attract buyers to the online store with the help of SEO, but the results will be long-term.

Placement on thematic sites

Another effective tool that will help find customers for an online store within SEO is thematic forums. To do this, regularly look for information platforms and forums that correspond to the topic of your store, and post information about your goods and services there.

Use email marketing

Launching an email newsletter has been and remains an effective marketing tool. With its help, it is very convenient to improve leads, turning them into buyers. To get the most out of this tool, try to:


  • automate email newsletter;
  • decide on the frequency of mailing. The most optimal option is 2-3 times a week;
  • include functionality for gathering information about abandoned carts;
  • use trigger letters.

Use product aggregators

To attract buyers to the site using product aggregators, it is enough to follow the rules of the site and monitor the quality of the provided products to compete with others. An additional benefit of using an aggregator is getting trusted external links.

Set up contextual advertising

Contextual advertising also helps to attract customers to the online store. Google Ads is a wide field for experiments and a chance to try different creatives to make your ads more attractive. However, the cost of attracting a client depends on the number of conversions to the advertised site. 

Create and promote social media pages

Social networks are an additional channel for attracting users, the main thing is to take into account the specifics of the audience in social networks and the target audience of the product (Read also: Target audience portrait: how to make it).

Adjust the target

Target on social networks is available for any online store, including those that do not yet have their website. It provides flexible options for audience segmentation and allows you to customize ads for individual small groups.

Work with opinion leaders and bloggers

Influencers and bloggers have a large audience and know exactly how to attract a customer. Advertising ordered from them can have a huge reach, but it must be targeted. Therefore, when choosing bloggers, focus on the number of subscribers and the topic.

Make a blog that is both useful and informative

A blog on an online store’s website, provided that it is of high quality, solves many tasks. In particular, it:


  • increases recognition; 
  • builds brand loyalty; 
  • promotes SEO. 


But how do you get an online buyer interested if you decide to write a blog? Do product reviews, write articles on interesting topics, and invite guests to share their materials – everything depends solely on the flight of imagination.

Works with reviews

Reviews are a tool for building customer engagement, and it’s impossible to imagine online reputation management without them. After all, many people look for product reviews on the Internet before purchasing. It is worth paying attention to both positive and negative reviews because adequate and constructive responses to criticism affect the reputation ten times better than laudatory comments.

Analyze the results

To evaluate the methods of attracting buyers, it is necessary to regularly conduct a detailed analysis of the return on investment (ROI). Thanks to it, it is easier to identify effective channels for attracting customers and start to manage your advertising budget more intelligently, turning off unprofitable ones. When thinking about how to find a customer on the Internet, try to think first of all about the “pains” and needs of customers. After all, even the most effective ways to attract customers to the online store will not work if you do not interact with the audience.

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