
Google Ads settings

Smart use of the available budget and the flow of new customers to your business are the bases we focus on when setting up Google Ads
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What gives a competent approach to the launch of advertising in Google Ads

This service for setting up contextual advertising has a convenient interface and many different tools. It makes it possible to very accurately select your target audience and show your ad to them.


If you have your own creatives but don’t know how to properly set up your ad, what audience, campaign type, keywords to choose, etc., contact us. We will set up effective advertising based on your goals and budget.

Google Ads setup sequence

The initial setup of the account involves the following points:

The purpose of the advertising campaign

Defining the aim and marketing goals in Google Ads.

Account structure

The development of the structure depends on the specifics of the business.

Media planning

Calculation of the necessary budget and forecasting of results.

Collecting the semantic core

Selection of keywords for which the target audience will be able to see the ad.

Setting up analytics systems

Filling in all necessary parameters and events in Google Analytics.

Advantages of setting up Google Ads by specialists

Thanks to fine-tuning the advertisement:

Is displayed to your potential customers

Is launched in the shortest possible time

Can be quickly changed in the account

Is shown to users with certain interests if necessary

Provides payment only for received conversions

Can be adapted to almost any budget

Why your business needs PPC

Order Google advertising from Lanet CLICK so that as many people as possible learn about your company

Our digital agency provides a comprehensive service for launching contextual advertising. Lanet CLICK specialists create and customize ads based on the media budget and target audience. Ads are then shown to users in response to their queries in search results. To obtain better results, specialists monitor indicators and, if necessary, optimize ads.

Go to PPC


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During our cooperation, this company won our trust with its impeccable work and responsibility for the final result. All services are provided with high quality and on time. We recommend Lanet Click LLC as a reliable and efficient partner in the field of IT services.

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During the period of cooperation, Lanet CLICK LLC has shown its ability to approach tasks with full responsibility and to perform work of high quality and on time. A distinctive feature of the agency's work is the high level of professionalism, organization of the company's employees, and honesty. They promptly respond to force majeure circumstances and effectively organize the work process. We recommend Lanet CLICK for cooperation as a reliable and stable business partner!

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The company has confirmed its professionalism, activity, and competence in performing the assigned tasks. We are satisfied with the work of Lanet Click LLC and recommend the company as a responsible and reliable partner.

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The company is a reliable partner, and the company's employees are professionals to whom you can entrust the matter and be sure of the quality and timeliness of the services provided. I confirm that the team of specialists at Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

- IntergalBudInvest

We are completely satisfied with our work with the Lanet CLICK team. The representatives have repeatedly confirmed their competence and ability to achieve results. Advertising, adjusted by them, works effectively, communication is clear, all tasks are completed in time and on a proper level. We recommend the agency as a reliable contractor.

- Berest

Sincere thanks to the Lanet CLICK team for the excellent work in the field of targeted advertising for our company. Specialists analyzed our audience in detail, created cool creatives and adjusted advertising campaigns so that our business received a significant increase in the number of customers and sales. They always stick to the negotiated budget, terms, and remind about the launch of new ideas and wishes. It is worth noting the prompt feedback and flexibility in solving any issues. The team is always in touch, offering creative solutions and updating strategies based on results. We recommend this company to everyone who seeks high-quality and effective promotion of their business online.

- KeramHall

We are very pleased! We see the results both by impressions and by average positions. We would like to add that the agency dispelled our previous experiences of cooperation with SEO specialists, because it was usually necessary to make a lot of effort to get something moving. Here, on the contrary, it feels like team have everything under control, and this issue is completely taken care of! Exceeded expectations-reality. We are satisfied with the partnership with Lanet CLICK. Special thanks to the project manager, like the communication, the structured approach and everything is very clear and prompt, so that there are never any questions. Super!


During our cooperation with the Lanet company, we were repeatedly convinced of its reliability and high level of services. The team always demonstrates diligence, promptly solving tasks and meeting deadlines. Separately, it is worth noting the adequate ratio of price and quality. Services are provided at a high level, the cost remains competitive. We recommend this company to everyone who is looking for a reliable partner in the field of Internet marketing.

- Power up

It is a pleasure to work with the team. The work is delivered on time, managers respond promptly to the assigned tasks. Also, I would like to note that in controversial situations, the team went to a meeting, so we were able to find a compromise. We recommend the services of the Lanet CLICK team.


We are often asked

We have collected frequently asked questions about Google Ads settings

What is included in the Google Ads setup service?

The service includes performing a list of tasks, which includes defining the goals of the advertising campaign, selecting relevant keywords, setting up advertising campaigns, organizing the structure of the Ads account, writing texts for advertisements and setting up their extensions, connecting Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts, Google Merchant Center settings and Google Ads extensions. If necessary, the marketing strategy may include other promotion methods, such as teaser advertising, targeted advertising or contextual advertising audit. The promotion tools are determined by the specialist according to the requirements of the customer.

How long does it take to set up Google Ads?

The time it takes to set up an advertising campaign in your Google Ads account may vary depending on the type of advertising chosen for promotion. For example, search ads can be set up faster than display ads. In general, it may take from ten working days to complete all the necessary work. But the exact timing should be clarified at the consultation with a specialist. They may depend on the specifics and requirements of a particular project.

How much does it cost to set up Google Ads?

The cost of setting up contextual advertising is not fixed and varies depending on several main factors. These include such important aspects as the type of advertising, the number of language versions of the site, the cost of the content required for advertising, and other factors. To determine the approximate cost of your project, leave a request on the site. Our specialist will contact you and answer all your questions.

Advertising is one of the main «whales» on which the work of any company, enterprise, or business is built and maintained. After all, thanks to it, you can tell about your product/service, attract new customers, make a good reputation, and much more.


What is Google Ads


It is a search engine advertising service from Google for creating ads, with a user-friendly interface and many different customization tools. It allows you to identify your target audience accurately and convey your advertising message to her. The result is a clever use of the existing budget and a constant flow of new customers.


Briefly about Google Ads history


In the era of rapid development of informational technology, you can not ignore the importance of advertising on the Internet because that is where a large proportion of potential consumers, partners, and employees are. Of course, you can’t find more effective advertising to promote your business than contextual or search advertising.


Approaching the main topic of our article, we would like to make a short digression into history. In the last year of the twentieth century, Sergiy Brin and Larry Page were looking for ways to monetize their project — Google’s most advanced search engine. They wanted to find an alternative for banners placed next to search results, as everyone did at the time. At the same time, the idea was born to place text ads next to search results, thematically related to queries. The solution turned out to be ingenious, contextual advertising quickly became popular and till this day, remains the most effective tool for Internet marketing. That’s how Google Ads came to be.


Advantages of contextual advertising


  • is displayed only to those users who are interested in a particular topic;
  • ads appear almost immediately after creating, setting up an advertising campaign, and making the necessary budget;
  • allows you to change your account settings quickly;
  • you pay only for received conversions which you establish;
  • thanks to the detailed configuration of geotargeting, contextual advertising can be customized to the needed audience;
  • contextual advertising can be adapted to almost any budget, and it will still be effective.


What is setting contextual advertising


It is a series of step-by-step actions that will help you identify the target audience to promote your services or products, choose the best mechanics of paid communications and outline the necessary budget to achieve desired results.


How to set up advertising on Google


It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question because it is a painstaking process that requires a professional approach and special skills in the advertising field. But we will share our knowledge with you and tell you how to run Google Ads advertising.


Where to start setting up advertising


Firstly, you need to create a Google Ads account. Registering and creating a Google Ads account is an easy task that will take only a couple of minutes, as all you need is your email address and your company’s website. Even if you don’t have a website yet, you can run Google ads with «smart» campaigns.


After a simple and fast registration procedure, you need to log in to your Google Ads account. Its interface is quite simple, although it may seem difficult to perceive at first. It is the first step in creating your first Google Ads campaign.


Unfortunately, setting up Google Ads for the first time will be a daunting task for a beginner. Let’s learn together how to set up contextual advertising on Google so that it works and brings the expected results.


Important features of setting up an advertising account


There are two types of accounts — business and personal. And how to change account type if necessary? In this case, you need to contact support and leave a request. While creating an account, it is important to specify the country, the currency in which the account will be replenished, and the time zone. There are situations when it is necessary to replace the original set parameters. How to change the language in Google Ads? Click on the tool icon, and in the «Settings» section, сhoose «Settings». Next, go to the section «Interface language and number format» and select the desired language.


Also, there may be a need to change the currency for account replenishing during the work process. How to change the currency in Google Ads? Unfortunately, this feature will be closed after the account creation phase. Therefore, you should treat it responsibly because currency choice will affect payment methods.

Initial account setup

Before you can start creating an ad campaign, you must set up your account first.


The algorithm for this stage looks like this:

  1. Choose the purpose of your Google Ads advertising campaign
  2. Selection of keywords — web queries
  3. Budget calculating
  4. Select and configure networks, placements, device types and ad serving methods
  5. Breaking down keywords into semantic groups and distributing them to specific campaigns
  6. Writing texts for advertisements
  7. Settings for advanced ads
  8. Setting up a connection between Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts
  9. Enable tagging in automatic mode
  10. Setting up extension parameters.


To determine the purpose of an advertising campaign on Google Ads, you will need to answer the question: «What is the campaign for? What results do I expect from this advertisement?»


The purpose of an advertising campaign can be:


  • increase the number of brand displays;
  • lead generation;
  • increase product sales;
  • attracting customers;
  • raising brand awareness and more.


Prescribing keywords


Next, you need to prescribe keywords. It is one of the most important parameters because the so-called «keys» are the phrases and words used to display advertising messages in response to users’ web queries. It is straightforward to draft a list of web queries based on a list of proposed goods or services. There is a special tool in Google Ads for this task — Google Ads Keyword Planner. It is a convenient and simple tool that will be an indispensable helper in getting the desired result. You can see how to use Google Keyword Planner on various specialized websites or video tutorials. But if you want to get a professional setting of contextual advertising, you should address professionals who already have working experience with large enterprises and businesses.


Creating advertising campaign


Setting up Google Ads contextual advertising starts with creating a campaign.


To do this, you need to go through the following points:


  • Decide on the campaign type.
  • Choose between search and display networks.
  • Choose settings for different types of devices on which ads will appear.
  • Set geo targeting of the advertising campaign.
  • Set up a website language where you plan to run your ads.
  • Choose the bid type and set the campaign’s budget.


You can see an example of an advertising campaign or their comparison on specialized Internet resources.