The author's latest articles

Crowd marketing: what is it, how it works and how to apply it correctly in practice
Crowd marketing: what is it and where is it used Business owners have come up with dozens of different methods […]

What are the reasons for the high bounce rate on the site
There are many obvious and not-so-obvious reasons why users don’t stay on your site. Let’s find out what they are […]

The impact of SEO on the availability of information on the Internet
The importance of digital accessibility Not only should real life be inclusive, the desire to involve and integrate all people […]
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What is E-A-T and how to conduct an E-A-T audit
The Internet is a big flow of information from many sources. And Google is concerned that we come across quality […]

10 ways of mobile site optimization
When promoting a site, SEO specialists advise against ignoring mobile optimization. What it is, why the mobile version is so […]

A complete guide to using Google Search Console
What is Google Search Console, and why is it needed Google Search Console (GSC) is a free service that provides […]

The effectiveness of link building and how long it takes to see results
One of the effective SEO methods is link building. This method increases the number of quality links on the Internet […]

What are the types of traffic to the site
One of the main indicators for each site is traffic. What is it, and what are the types of traffic? […]

How to find out the site traffic
Do you want to know how effective your site is and what marketing tools work? Do you want to know […]

Why is it important to follow all the recommendations of SEO specialist
Search engine optimization aims to raise the position of the site in the results of the search engine for user […]

Why do you need a blog on the site
A company that wants to gain a foothold in the market must pay attention to managing a corporate blog. Today, […]

Why is it necessary to post articles on resources that do not correspond to target audience
One of the SEO promotion tools is the placement of external links on donor websites. At the same time, it […]