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Audiences for YouTube advertising

Video attracts attention and arouses users’ interest. It is easier to perceive and remember. That is why advertising on YouTube increases brand awareness and helps to expand the audience of potential customers.A great advantage of an advertising campaign in video format is a detailed target setting for the target audience.

What kind of target audiences can be

Audiences by demographic data

Detailed demographic target has an expanded set of characteristics, taking into account age, gender, presence of children, marital status, education and availability of real estate.With this option, you can define a fairly wide audience to increase brand recognition.

Audiences by interests

Based on users’ long-term interests, their online behavior and visits to websites, videos and searches.Allows you to target particular hobbies and lifestyles that are specific to your customers.

Special audiences by interests

In this case, you enter the keywords, website URLs, places and applications that your target audience is interested in.This will help to narrow the audience as much as possible and show advertising to a precisely defined circle of people. But before creating such an audience, you need to analyze your customers, their habits and preferences.

Special audiences by intentions

These users’ categories are created based on Google search queries. While setting up an audience, you specify keywords relevant to your business. Your ad will be seen by people who search for products or services similar to yours on Google.Such targeting is very effective because the audience is already interested in a specific product or service.

Audiences of interested buyers

Unlike the previous audience, Google offers to select a product category from the list. This method of setting up an advertising campaign allows you to attract potential customers and increase the number of conversions.


This type of audience is associated with important life events: moving, graduating from university, weddings, and others. Targeting this setting will help reach people in certain situations and life stages.


It helps you re-connect with users who have previously interacted with your company. Adjust the advertising campaign to all visitors to the website or those who did not make a purchase, or to those who visited specific pages of the resource or watched a video.In this section, the creation of «Look-Alike audiences» is available. Google analyzes the remarketing audience and identifies people with similar behavior.

Combined audiences

This function allows you to combine several different audiences. With its help, you can narrow your coverage and get to your target audience more precisely.

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