
Removal of search engine sanctions

We will remove your site from Google's filters and restore lost positions
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Search engine sanctions are a problem that can be solved

The site may be sanctioned for various reasons: the presence of low-quality links, full of spam and non-unique content, incorrect display on different devices, etc.


Having fallen under the filters, the web resource quickly loses its position in search results or visibility in general. At the same time, it is not easy to find and eliminate problems since Google does not indicate what exactly the site was sanctioned for. In this case, it is necessary to contact SEO specialists.

How sanctions are lifted at Lanet CLICK

The work of SEO specialists to remove sanctions from search engines involves the following stages:

Analysis of links and content

Specialists examine the reference mass and analyze the content of the site for compliance with Google's requirements.

Study of the site’s structure

At this stage, the structure of the web resource is checked, and duplicate pages are removed.

Removal of search sanctions

The process includes eliminating spam, filling it with quality content, and sending requests to view the site.

Update of site positions

At this stage, SEO specialists will restore the previous positions of your website in the Google search results.

What you will get as a result of the lifting of sanctions

The result of removing the filters will be:

Visibility in search

Restoration of positions

Increase conversions

Traffic recovery

Need quality SEO? Order from Lanet CLICK!

We will remove your site from Google's filters and increase its visibility

We will analyze the site for filters and, based on the received data, create a strategy for removing sanctions from the search engine and restoring the previous positions of the site in search results. The result of a successful withdrawal from the Google filter is the restoration of traffic and increased conversions. However, it is necessary to constantly engage in SEO promotion to maintain the position of the site.

You can order SEO services from us at favorable prices. Experienced specialists with more than a hundred successful projects to their credit will help you take top positions in Google and improve business indicators.

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During the cooperation, the company has proven itself as a professional and reliable partner, and the company's employees have shown high professionalism, creativity, and efficiency in fulfilling the assigned tasks. The professionalism of the specialists in Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

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During our cooperation, this company won our trust with its impeccable work and responsibility for the final result. All services are provided with high quality and on time. We recommend Lanet Click LLC as a reliable and efficient partner in the field of IT services.

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During the period of cooperation, Lanet CLICK LLC has shown its ability to approach tasks with full responsibility and to perform work of high quality and on time. A distinctive feature of the agency's work is the high level of professionalism, organization of the company's employees, and honesty. They promptly respond to force majeure circumstances and effectively organize the work process. We recommend Lanet CLICK for cooperation as a reliable and stable business partner!

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The company has confirmed its professionalism, activity, and competence in performing the assigned tasks. We are satisfied with the work of Lanet Click LLC and recommend the company as a responsible and reliable partner.

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The company is a reliable partner, and the company's employees are professionals to whom you can entrust the matter and be sure of the quality and timeliness of the services provided. I confirm that the team of specialists at Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

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We are often asked

We have collected the most frequently asked questions about the service of removing sanctions from search engines

What is included in the sanctions removal service?

Depending on the filter, the service of removing sanctions of search engines includes an SEO audit, optimization of the site by all parameters, removing low-quality links and increasing organic links (link building), and editing content on the site or preparing new ones (copywriting). Order a consultation to learn more about the service and its cost!

What sanctions can be applied to your site?

There are two types of sanctions: manual, which are applied by technical support specialists for certain violations, and automatic, when the site is blocked by search engines for using black SEO methods. As a result, the position of the site in the search results will significantly decrease. Any sanctions have an extremely negative effect on the SEO promotion of sites, so we recommend promoting the site using only “white” methods in compliance with the rules of search engines.

What types of sanctions did we work with?

We work with all types of sanctions, automatic and manual. We remove the site from under the filters of Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and others. To remove sanctions for over-optimization, it is necessary to edit the existing content on the site or create a new one, for which an experienced copywriter is involved. Order a consultation to find out more about the service!

If your site has suddenly started to rank poorly and traffic has dropped to almost zero, you should think about whether it has fallen under the filters of search engines. For any action of SEO specialists, there is a counteraction in the form of algorithms of numerous filters created by employees of antispam departments of search engines.


Search engine sanctions– are actions aimed at violating the rules of search engine promotion. A new site or page is indexed in the search engine at the time of its appearance, after which it goes to the public library. As a result, the robot knows about the existence of the site and begins to add to the issue. Periodically, the system checks the entire library again for new information, and if something appears that it may not like, sanctions are applied to the site. The whole difficulty for an SEO specialist is that the algorithms used to check the pages are not announced. For what exactly the site fell under the filter, you can only guess.


The search engine applies the following measures to violators:


  • ban when the site completely disappears from the index;
  • pessimization or reduction of the position on the issue. For example, before the site was in the TOP, after falling under the filter — somewhere at the end of the first hundred;
  • selective exception when certain pages of the site are blocked.


Two companies — Google and Yandex — presented the most popular search engines in Ukraine. But, after the decree of the President of Ukraine, the latter is banned. So let’s look at how search engine sanctions work and how to get out of them, using the example of Google.


The site is checked against Google search filters using the Search Console. You can find the information you need in the Search Appearance, Google Index, Search Traffic, Crawl sections. If your site is on the list of violators, these sections will contain a warning message or simply inform you that the site is subject to restrictions. There are also programs that can only be used as an additional analysis tool. SEO Tool, SEO Lib, and Fruition are examples.


In addition to automatic sanctions, there are also manual ones. During the check, the system signals to the search engine specialist that something is wrong with the site. He reviews it manually and decides whether to impose sanctions or not. The site is checked for manually applied search filters in the same Search Console in the section Manually actions.


We will consider actions aimed at removing filters (sanctions) from Google search engines on the example of these same filters.


  • Panda is part of a search algorithm that evaluates content, page content, and usability. Its signs are a drop in traffic and a position on the issue. It is imposed for copying content from other people’s sites, many keys in the texts, which can be considered spam. Actions to remove from the filter: conduct an audit, optimizing the site for all parameters — from design to content of each page.
  • Penguin is a filter that checks the quality of links. As a penalty, Google lowers the site’s rating, or it may be subject to manual review. Removing a site from the Penguin filter is to remove all low-quality links to the site and increase the plan by using organic, natural, relevant links.
  • Hummingbird is a filter that is responsible for the relevance of queries. If we make a search query, we want to find the information we need on the pages provided by the search engine. But when the semantic load is artificially increased, we will not find information on request on the site. That’s why Hummingbird checks this component to prevent such sites from being released.


If your site is not adapted to mobile devices, it may fall under the filter for lack of a mobile version. Of course, this is not a filter in the traditional sense, but rather part of the algorithm, but the site’s position in the issue is reduced as a result of its action. To avoid this, check that it is displayed correctly on all gadgets.


The site may fall under the filter for slow performance. He will never reach the top positions if the loading of pages is slow. The solution is obvious – you need to speed up the site and download speed.


The filter for non-working links is also part of the general algorithm. It is very difficult to keep track of which links on your site, and even more so, which of the external links do not work. In order not to spend a lot of effort and time checking them all, there is a tool called Link Checker.


You can get under the filter for reoptimization if:


  1. there are too many keywords in the text that are used inorganically. Keys like “shooting a video Kyiv cheap” are long gone;
  2. too much emphasis on keywords when highlighted in a different type, color, etc.;
  3. too many keys in title and description.

To get out of this filter, you need to have your texts edited by an experienced copywriter. And to avoid it, remember that texts should be written for humans, not robots.


The key to success in promoting sites is gradual action and the use of honest methods. Using black hat techniques, you can get under sanctions. But further removal of the site from the Google filter requires a lot of money and time.