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Promotion of the construction company

The construction business has always been profitable. But quite often there are problems related not to technical aspects, but management and promotion.

What problems do construction business owners face

Starting a construction business, like any other, is very difficult. When opening a construction company, the owner may face the following problems:


  1. Lack of qualified employees.
  2. Frequent changes in laws and regulations.
  3. Disorganized budget management.
  4. Demand reduction.


A decrease in demand can be affected not only by seasonality but also by improper promotion of the company. After all, the construction business promotion has its specifics. You have to consider them to achieve high results.

Features of promoting construction topics on the Internet

Promotion of a construction company, as well as advertising of construction services, have their specifics. Therefore, before you start promoting a construction company on the Internet, you need to study the features of this niche. These include:


  1. High competition. It is confirmed by the presence of many aggregators, bulletin boards, and other resources in the search results for queries on construction topics.
  2. Seasonality of demand. If it is not very noticeable in the repairing of apartments and offices, then it is more pronounced in the field of construction of country houses.
  3. Dependence on the region. Large construction companies with offices in several cities or even regions should have advertising adapted to each of them.
  4. Long sales cycle. Choosing a contractor for construction and renovation is a long-term process. Therefore, the construction company’s promotion strategy should be aimed not only at attracting potential customers but also at keeping them.
  5. The impact of reputation. In the construction business, the developer’s reputation plays a key role. Therefore, you should pay significant attention to SERM.

Promotion strategy for a construction company

The promotion of construction sites costs a lot of money and effort. One of the most important steps in this process is to create an optimal strategy for business promotion on the Internet, which should include:


  • competitor research;
  • USP development;
  • creation of a high-quality website with high usability indicators (Read also: How to reduce the bounce rate on a website: 8 effective methods);
  • launch of contextual advertising;
  • extension of semantics;
  • launch of advertising on social networks and retargeting/remarketing;
  • competent SEO and SMM promotion.

Types of channels for the promotion of construction sites

The following methods are the most profitable for the promotion of construction sites: SEO, contextual advertising, and promotion on social networks. Let’s consider each of them in more detail.

SEO promotion of the construction site

“Construction” is one of the most popular queries, so it is more difficult for a specific construction site to be visible in the organic search results. You need to consider this moment when planning SEO promotion of the site, which consists of:


  1. Audit. Make sure that the resource is useful and convenient for the audience. It has no serious bugs, has a working mobile version, and has a compelling portfolio with photos and company achievements.
  2. Content optimization. Creating a semantic core for a construction company has two unique features. First, companies usually work in one region, which allows them to localize and gather interested users and expand the core using Geo queries. Second, there is high competition in this niche, so the semantic core should include low- and medium-frequency queries. Read also: How to build the semantic core of the site on your own.
  3. Technical optimization, which includes:
    • setting in the robots.txt text file the access path to the sitemap and its main host;
    • specifying the main site mirror in the HOST directive;
    • analysis of website performance on different devices;
    • Schema.org markup testing;
    • checking the stability of the site.
  4. Work with links. Article marketing will help you get quality links — one of the safest ways to increase the link mass is by registering publications on third-party resources with regular traffic and real visitors. It will not be superfluous to register in site directories, search engines and company directories. Read also: External site optimization: what it is and how it affects promotion.

Contextual advertising of the construction company

You need to set up contextual advertising as accurately as possible. Otherwise, advertising will not bring you the expected results. Regardless of whether it is an advertisement for a construction store or a company, you should pay attention to a few simple tips:


  • сlarify the semantics;
  • set up targeting in detail;
  • to adjust bids by the time of display, gender, and age;
  • do not forget to create a campaign in GDN to display on thematic sites;
  • set up remarketing.

Promotion on social networks

Promotion of a construction website on social networks begins with the selection of the most priority networks. Analyze which social networks have the most of your target audience, but don’t forget about other networks. And make sure that social networks are designed in the same style.The most common types of content that work well on social media are:


  • promotions and special offers;
  • publications about finished objects and construction progress;
  • feedback and project reviews;
  • advice from specialists and other useful materials.


But every business is unique, so experiment with formats and choose the one that gets the most feedback from your followers.In the future, to promote a construction company, you can use post-promotion by placing posts in thematic groups, targeted advertising, or cooperation with bloggers.

Results of the promotion of our clients

Lanet СLICK is a full-cycle digital agency with experience in working with various projects, including construction ones. Examples of such cases are comprehensive SMM promotion for a manufacturer of building materials and SEO for the construction company.As a result of SMM promotion from Lanet СLICK, it was possible to achieve a significant increase in subscribers and an increase in unique coverage indicators. And our SEO specialists have doubled the visibility and number of key queries for which the site is ranked.

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