
Promotion of medical sites

Order promotion of a medical website to create a positive image of the company, increase organic traffic, and increase the number of applications or sales.
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Features of promoting a medical website

Technically, the SEO of medical websites is no different from optimizing a resource on any other topic. However, Google takes medical content seriously because low-quality text with false information can harm the user’s health. Therefore, the promotion of a medical site, which belongs to sites in the YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) category, requires content to comply with E-E-A-T standards, that is, the publication of exclusively expert articles with verified information.


A competent content strategy and the publication of high-quality texts will increase the credibility of the site for both search engines and users and will help the site get to the top of search results.

Additional methods for promoting medical services websites

Contextual advertising

If configured correctly, it will bring customers immediately after launching an advertising campaign, but it requires constant budget replenishment, so it cannot replace SEO. On the contrary, when used comprehensively, these tools complement and reinforce each other.

SMM promotion

It allows you to increase company recognition, create a positive image, attract customers from social networks, and create a loyal audience of regular customers. SMM cannot replace SEO, but it can complement it.

The cost of services

Indicative result for – 6-9 months.
Analysis of key competitors
Formation of the project development strategy
Development of the project structure
Formation of the semantic core
Checking the resource's compliance with Google's requirements
Optimization of the site's mobile version
Preparation of technical specifications for error correction
Writing texts
Internal linking of the site
Site link profile optimization
Link building
Additional consultation with an SEO specialist – 1 hour per month.
Indicative result for – 4-6 months.
Analysis of key competitors
Formation of the project development strategy
Development of the project structure
Formation of the semantic core
Checking the resource's compliance with Google's requirements
Optimization of the site's mobile version
Preparation of technical specifications for error correction
Writing texts
Internal linking of the site
Site link profile optimization
Link building
Additional consultation with an SEO specialist – 3 hours per month.
Indicative result for - 3-4 months.
Analysis of key competitors
Formation of the project development strategy
Development of the project structure
Formation of the semantic core
Checking the resource's compliance with Google's requirements
Optimization of the site's mobile version
Preparation of technical specifications for error correction
Writing texts
Internal linking of the site
Site link profile optimization
Link building
Additional consultation with an SEO specialist – 5 hours per month.

What goals does SEO help achieve for medical websites

The result of promoting medical sites:

Increasing company awareness.

Formation of a positive image.

Steady influx of traffic to the site.

Increase in the number of visitors to the medical center.

Retention of new clients.

Promotion of unpopular services.

Need quality SEO? Order from Lanet CLICK!

Order promotion of a medical services website to the top of Google search results

With a competent approach to promoting medical service websites, the first results can be seen within 2 months; after 3–4 months, the growth in popularity of low-competitive categories and services will become obvious, and in the future, highly competitive areas. A website with a logical, understandable structure that is regularly updated with high-quality, optimized content, has every chance of getting to the top of search results.


In Lanet CLICK, you can order the service of promoting a medical center website on favorable terms. Our SEO specialists have experience working with various budgets and will offer the optimal solution for your project.

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We are often asked

What methods should be used to effectively promote medical websites?

To promote the medical center’s website, it is recommended to use comprehensive marketing: competent SEO, SMM, and contextual advertising.

How long does the process of promoting a medical website take to achieve results?

The first results of promoting a medical site are visible after 2–3 months, more significant results occur after 3–4 months. The full effect of the promotion is visible after six months.

Do you have experience working with medical institutions?

Yes, our SEO specialists have experience in promoting medical websites in various fields; relevant cases can be found on the website.

How do you optimize medical website content for SEO?

We develop a content plan based on the collected semantic core, write texts with keywords, and place them on the site along with meta tags.

For a clinic, pharmacy, or medical center, having your web resource on the Internet is convenient and practical. The presence of a website allows potential clients to familiarize themselves in advance with the list of services and their prices, as well as make an appointment.


Technical features of promoting a medical website

Promoting a medical website is a series of works to attract organic traffic from the Internet. Technically, promoting a clinic website is not much different from SEO for a project on any other topic, but Google places increased demands on medical content and compliance with the E-E-A-T and YMYL concepts, which determine its quality and value.


YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) is a category of pages and sites that contain information that can affect the user’s health or finances. It includes all medical websites and online pharmacies. It is due to the fact that low-quality articles on topics related to treatment can theoretically harm the health of users or lead to rash financial expenses. Therefore, for Google to consider a medical resource worthy of trust, its pages must contain content with high E-E-A-T.


The abbreviation E-E-A-T stands for:


  • Experience.
  • Expertise. That is, the author of the articles must be an expert in the topic being reviewed.
  • Authoritativeness. The indicator depends on the quality of the content and the site on which it is published.
  • Trustworthiness. This indicator reflects the trustworthiness of the author and the site as sources of true information.


Thus, when promoting a website for a clinic or medical center, content should be created by accredited professionals with a high level of expertise. In the context of SEO, it means that it is necessary to order articles from professional copywriters with the involvement of an expert in creating content at the stage of preliminary consultation and checking the finished text.


To comply with the E-E-A-T factors when promoting a medical website, it is necessary to keep the information up-to-date, use only verified data, refer to reliable sources when preparing content, and also rely on the information content and relevance of the pages to the user’s request: each page should help him solve a specific problem.


According to the latest data, in the future, when promoting a medical center website, E-E-A-T factors will play an even more important role than now. Therefore, it is important to create high-quality content that will appeal primarily to people, not search robots, and will also be as useful and relevant as possible.


Search engine promotion of a medical clinic in Lanet CLICK

At the digital agency Lanet CLICK, an experienced team consisting of an SEO specialist, a copywriter, a project manager, and, if necessary, a designer works on the promotion of medical websites.


The promotion of medical services websites consists of several main stages:


  1. Technical audit and error elimination.
  2. Analysis of the site and competitors to find growth points.
  3. Collection and clustering of the semantic core.
  4. Development of the site structure.
  5. Drawing up a promotion strategy.
  6. Filling the site with optimized texts.
  7. External optimization (link building).


During the SEO of a medical website, our specialists will find the optimal solution for your project, draw up a competent strategy, and prepare high-quality texts, which will be published on the site only after approval. We will help you increase your website’s visibility on the Internet and attract new customers!


Among our successful cases, in particular, is the optimization of the website of a medical center for the treatment of varicose veins. In just 3 months, we increased organic traffic by over 113% and conversions by over 218%. Do you want the same? Leave a request on the website to order an individual consultation and find out the price of promoting a medical site.