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SEO copywriting: what is it


To increase the traffic to your site, the number of potential consumers of your products or services, and improve the position of the web resource in search results for the desired queries, experts use a variety of SEO tools. SEO copywriting is one of the most effective tools. It is the most important component of a holistic strategy for promoting the site on the Internet.

What is SEO copywriting

In general, copywriting is a complex process of writing various texts, which will be placed on a particular resource in the online space. Indicators of good text on a website written by a professional copywriter are its intelligibility, readability, and ability to arouse the reader’s interest.  In turn, SEO copywriting is the creation of helpful and interesting content for placement on the site, based not only on the content but also on keywords. (Read also: How to build a semantic core by yourself). Correct and effective SEO text considers the requirements of both search engines and people who are potential consumers of the advertised resource. Over time, search engine algorithms change, and with them the requirements for writing SEO texts too. If earlier the most important factor in creating an article was the use of the maximum number of keywords, now it is important to make the text informative, understandable and helpful to the reader.

Features of SEO copywriting

Compared to traditional copywriting, creating SEO texts has several significant differences. They consist of the correct distribution of keywords and compliance with the basic rules of SEO copywriting. They allow you to understand how to write SEO texts correctly and achieve the expected results in site promotion.


The most important parameter that determines how effective your SEO text will be is the presence of the necessary key queries.  Keywords are search queries that help a user search for interesting information online. Upon request, the search engine provides a list of sites where the consumer can find what he needs. And if the article on your site contains the necessary key phrases, the potential customer will be able to contact you. It is important to distribute keywords evenly throughout the article and adhere to their optimal number, which should not exceed an average of 3-5% of the text. In this case, the search engine will recognize the posted text as one that fully corresponds to the user-defined topic. To form a list of key queries that the author should use in the article, the specialist uses several services, choosing the most suitable one for you.

Benefits for the reader

SEO texts should not only contain the optimal number of keywords and phrases, but also be targeted to your audience. You can see the reader’s interest in the posted article by how much time he spends on the site page. If the text is fascinating and helpful, the potential client will study it in detail and spend a lot of time on the page where it is placed. In turn, the search engine pays attention to this parameter. It plays a key role in what position a site will appear in search results.


Among the main requirements for a quality text that sells, it is worth noting its uniqueness. Search engines immediately take this option into account, so you should pay attention to it. The content you post on the site must be exclusive and not duplicate information available on other resources. Search engines will index pages with unique content, and in case of duplication of other people’s information, the site will be filtered. As a result, it will not be displayed in search results. You can check the uniqueness of the text using special online services and programs.

Text design

The texts posted on the site must meet the requirements both for their content and the design. It should be structured, logical, and easy to understand.  To make the article as readable as possible and not look like a solid canvas, it must have titles and subheadings, bulleted and numbered lists, and small paragraphs. This visual design allows the reader to perceive information much easier and not overload the brain. In this case, the probability that the user will reach the end of the article and will not stop reading at the beginning is high enough. 


No less important parameter of high-quality text that attracts attention is its literacy. Before posting an article on the site, it is necessary to check it for grammatical, punctuation, and stylistic errors. If you make mistakes in the text, you will lose the trust of your potential customers and generally spoil the attitude of your target audience toward your company.

Benefits of SEO copywriting

Professional SEO copywriting services are in high demand due to several significant advantages:


  • increasing the position of the web resource in search results;
  • the emergence of constant organic traffic;
  • increasing the conversion of the site – the key indicator of its effectiveness;
  • budget savings by reducing the cost of contextual advertising.

Disadvantages of SEO copywriting

In addition to many advantages, SEO copywriting has some disadvantages that you also need to consider.  Among them are the following: 


  • The appearance of imperfect text. It is due to the need to include precise queries in which the words are not always consistent.
  • The emergence of over spam. If you use a lot of keywords in the text or concentrate them in one fragment, the system can reduce the site position in search results.


To avoid such unpleasant situations, you need to check the text not only for uniqueness but also for other indicators such as spam, water content, nausea, etc. You can do this with the help of services designed to create optimal textual content.

Helpful SEO copywriting services

There are several special programs and online services that a copywriter uses in his work to achieve the expected results. The most popular among them are:


  1. Text.ru is a resource that will help you check the percentage of uniqueness, spam, and the presence of undesirable water in the text.
  2. Content Watch is another convenient way to check the uniqueness of the text.
  3. Advego is a tool for a professional assessment of text quality and detailed semantic analysis.
  4. Glavred is a free service that allows you to identify and delete optional and evaluative phrases that are undesirable in the information style.

To be sure of the quality and effectiveness of the content posted on your resource, you should seek the help of professionals. You can order high-quality SEO copywriting from our agency. Qualified specialists will create texts in compliance with all requirements. To do this, fill out a brief on our website. Our specialists will contact you to discuss all the necessary details. 

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