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Local Services Ads


Internet sales are becoming more popular. But still, they can’t replace visiting a physical store, as not all goods and services can be bought online. Some categories of goods can be bought only in offline stores. For example, you can’t manage without offline sales, if you need to have a haircut or buy glasses for improving your eyesight. At the same time, Internet advertising is effective for physical stores too. Before using services or buying goods, people search for places near home, learn comments and website. But for better results you need to order not only Internet promotion but Local Services Ads too.

How do Local Services Ads work

Local Services Ads successfully work thanks to Google algorithms. The search engine shows ads to those users who will most likely visit your offline store. Algorithms detect target audience under such criteria:


  • User’s geolocation and close distance to offline store.
  • User’s web queries. The algorithm checks search phrases for the presence of occurrences that direct to geographical affiliation — «the nearest», «on Nyvky», «on Troieshchyna», «nearby».
  • Movements. If the user was in the places where your store is located, more than once, then most likely ads will be shown to him.
  • Type of gadget. If a person types on a smartphone «the nearest pet store» then most likely he is going to buy goods for his pet not far from home in the nearest future.

Where are Local Services Ads located

Where are Local Services Ads located Google Local Services Ads are displayed on Google services. We mean Google Search, YouTube, Google Maps. Local Services Ads are displayed on Google Display Network as well. There are more than two million websites and mobile apps which can be platforms for contextual advertising. According to Google statistics, Google Display Network covers around 90% of Internet users.

How do Google Local Services Ads look like

Depending on platform, Local Services Ads can look in different ways:


  • Search.Advertisements with a tag «Ads» will get top positions on search engine results on local packs. Examples of such queries — «nearby cafe», «takeaway food on Okruzhna», «shoe repair near Pozniaky metro station». Potential buyer can immediately visit advertiser’s website or see the path to physical store from the local pack.
  • Google Maps. After opening maps and typing an exact web query like «the nearest cinema», user will see advertisements for the local cinemas on top positions and only then other cinemas.
  • Google Display Network. Such messages differ from ordinary advertising because of a block with geographical tag. User has an opportunity to pave the route to the store, find out working hours and other data. In general, the appearance of local ads depends on where it is located. On some websites user will see an image and logo and on others — contact data and title. Local Services Ads are displayed to users of different gadgets, but the most part of displays is covered by smartphones and tablets. It is connected with the specifics of such ads type.
  • YouTube. Advertising on video host is displayed in Bumper Ads, In-Stream і Video Discovery formats. Standard contextual advertising, unlike Local Services Ads, doesn’t have the number of store that are close to the user’s location in the title.

Google Local Services Ads launching

You can run Local Services Ads by connecting Google My Business profile to Google Ads account. After that, you will see a point «Local» among other campaigns in ads cabinet. Then you need to set up Local Services Ads. You can set up everything on your own, but if you want it to be effective, it is better to address a professional. Such a decision will save your time and money. PPC specialists of Lanet CLICK digital agency will set up Google Local Services Ads which will extremely increase traffic flow to your store. In addition, in digital agency you can order other advertising types on the Internet, in particular Shopping Google Ads, Discovery Ads та PPC.[mp_note]At the moment, such advertising campaigns are integrated into a new type – Performance Max (from August 2022). [/mp_note]

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