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What are Instagram chatbots and how to use them


As more and more conversations between customers and businesses take place online, automated messaging tools – chatbots – are becoming more useful than ever on social media. What is an Instagram chatbot, and what are its benefits? Let’s consider it further in the material.

What is an Instagram chatbot

An Instagram chatbot is a platform for automated messaging. The chatbot works based on artificial intelligence. The chatbot in Direct Instagram performs several functions:


  • answers users’ questions;
  • gives recommendations;
  • directs the user to the person if he cannot answer.

Why should you use the Instagram chatbot

Many customers shop in Instagram stores. Commerce via Instagram is an effective tool for any brand because social network users love to shop. In addition, stories, posts, and advertising on Instagram can attract potential customers to communicate in Direct. At the same time, a chatbot on Instagram will help turn interest into a purchase.

Benefits of using Instagram chatbots for business

Communicating with customers via Instagram chatbot will bring customers many benefits. Benefits include improved customer service, increased sales, time savings, and attracting new customers.

Improving customer service

An Instagram text chatbot saves your time and your client’s time by replying instantly to messages. Potential buyers can ask questions at any time day or night and get answers immediately. In addition, this answer will be clear and precise.

Sales increase

One of the functions of chatbots during communication is to provide recommendations to customers. Instagram’s chatbots can recommend the product to chat customers. It will have a positive effect on quick sales.


In addition, thanks to the chatbot, the SMM specialist will be able to spend more time on advertising, page promotion, marketing campaigns, etc., as the chatbot will do a lot of his work instead. At the same time, the client will not wait for an answer for hours but will receive it immediately.

Generation of potential customers

In addition, Instagram chatbots keep track of the types of questions that customers ask. It allows you to understand your consumer audience better and get more information about existing customers. You can use this data to develop advertising creatives and launch advertising campaigns to attract potential consumers. Also, by tracking customer inquiries, you can get information about problems on your site, possible vulnerabilities in the purchase process, and more.

When can you not use Instagram chatbots

There are several restrictions on using Instagram chatbots. Among them:


  1. You cannot delegate to the chatbot the processing of complex issues from the client. Currently, robots are not perfect. Therefore, it is better to configure the chatbot so that it directs the client to the employee if he can not answer on their own. You should also monitor the work of the chatbot from time to time and check how accurate it answers.
  2. You cannot send spam. Using the chatbot to promote on Instagram, you can send personalized product offers or special offers to your customers. However, if you use this too often or create mass mailings using a chatbot, there is a high probability that your profile will be blocked soon.


Do not use untested platforms. Not all chatbots work correctly. Therefore, first, read the reviews and test the chatbot. If the site, where you can download this chatbot, has examples of companies that use its services, try to send a message to these companies to see how well the chatbot works.


A variety of tools can make it easier to do business. One of them is an Instagram chatbot. After creating a chatbot on Instagram and setting it up, you can spend more time on other tasks. For example, there will be more time for SMM promotion. However, there are some limitations that you should consider before starting to work with the bot.

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