
Google Ads optimization for an online store of a pet food manufacturer

How to get 15+% more transactions while reducing their cost by 13% in just 2 months


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: Google Ads optimization for an online store of a pet food manufacturer
Input data

Client: an online store of a manufacturer of cat and dog food.

Duration of work: 2 months.

Problem: advertising campaigns were set up, but 75% of them consisted of search and Google display network, and the budget for shopping campaigns did not exceed 25-30% of the total.

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increase the number of transactions;
achieve a transaction cost of $5-8.
List of works

Solution: make a logical bet on the development of shopping campaigns.

Products for cats and dogs were allocated to separate advertising campaigns.
We made duplicates of all trade feeds in two languages: Ukrainian and Russian.
We launched Performance Max for product categories without objects, only with a product feed.
We significantly reduced the budgets for search engines and especially Google display network campaigns, redistributing the freed-up funds to new shopping campaigns.

The first month was spent reconfiguring and retraining campaigns, and in the second month of work, we already received 15.6% more transactions and a reduction in their cost by 13%. Advertising costs remained at the same level.

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Thanks to properly configured contextual advertising, it is possible to improve results and increase client income even in a relatively short time.

Do you want the same?

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