
Setting up Google Ads for an Internet provider

How to increase conversions by over 500% with a 40% cost reduction


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: Setting up Google Ads for an Internet provider
Input data

Client: Internet provider in Poltava

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to set up contextual advertising in the search network;
to increase the number of new subscribers' connections;
to attract the target audience to the company's official website.
What we did

Collected the semantics, developed the structure of the advertising account, and worked out negative words.
Separated search campaigns were created for each of the services.
Added brand requests.
Worked out queries with toponyms.
Created responsive ads.
Created promotional objects for promotional offers.
Carried out regular general optimization.
Results of advertising campaigns:

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The first month of work is always aimed at collecting statistics. Campaigns collect data and learn to further optimize and increase performance indicators. But already, at this initial stage of work, the conversion rate of the site increased by 23.58%, and in three months, the indicator increased by 120.30%.

Thanks to constant analysis and optimization of campaigns, advertising traffic has become cheaper and of higher quality:
- the number of conversions increased by 519.44%;
- the conversion cost decreased by 41.16%.

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Results of advertising campaigns:

The first month of work is always aimed at collecting statistics. Campaigns collect data and learn to further optimize and increase performance indicators. But already, at this initial stage of work, the conversion rate of the site increased by 23.58%, and in three months, the indicator increased by 120.30%.

Thanks to constant analysis and optimization of campaigns, advertising traffic has become cheaper and of higher quality:
- the number of conversions increased by 519.44%;
- the conversion cost decreased by 41.16%.

How well a launch campaign can work depends on a large number of factors. The main one is constant monitoring of indicators and analysis of changes in efficiency.
To secure a successful start, it is necessary to go through an equally important period - support and optimization of campaigns. This work is aimed at correcting the semantics, working out search queries, expanding negative word lists, and working on creatives to increase the clickability of the ad and attract the target visitor.
Only compliance with the entire work complex demonstrates and guarantees the positive dynamics of increasing the number of connections of new subscribers.

Do you want the same?

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