
Google Ads advertising
for the residential complex in Kyiv

How to increase the effectiveness of advertising in Google Ads more than 2 times


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: Google Ads advertising for the residential complex in Kyiv
Income data

CLIENT: comfort class residential complex in Kyiv, located near the subway.

PROBLEM: low conversion rate and high cost.

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Work of list

detailed analysis of the customer's Google Ads account;
optimization of search advertising campaigns;
expanding the semantic core with queries in the Ukrainian language;
launch of adaptive search queries;
implementation of automated scripts;
work with brand inquiries and control of competitors;
in-depth work on keywords with geolocation names;
constantly monitored competitors' ads and filed timely complaints with Google about unscrupulous competitors.

By using adaptive ads, we were able to get better results in our campaigns.

We also redistributed the budget: we focused on search advertising, partially reduced overall budgets for the GDN, and strengthened remarketing activities. On the GDN, you have to monitor the sites where your ads appear — we've used an automated script-based solution to regulate these sites and eliminate non-targeted traffic.

With the steps described above, we've reduced the cost per click and increased the effectiveness of keywords.

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Comparisons of trends for the first and last months are available in the screenshots.

We've significantly improved the cost-to-conversion ratio:
- increase in conversion by 241%;
- reduction in conversion costs by 55.29%;
- maintaining positive dynamics for several months.

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Comparisons of trends for the first and last months are available in the screenshots.

We've significantly improved the cost-to-conversion ratio:
- increase in conversion by 241%;
- reduction in conversion costs by 55.29%;
- maintaining positive dynamics for several months.

Do you want the same?

Order an individual consultation to discuss your project!   
