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How to improve the effectiveness of contextual advertising

PPC advertising is considered one of the best channels for attracting potential buyers. However, simply setting up contextual advertising is not always sufficient. Use the tips below to improve the performance of your ads.

Selection of quality keywords

The effectiveness of Google Ads directly depends on the appropriateness of keyword selection. Therefore, they need to be tracked. Irrelevant must be disabled. It is important to focus on relevant keywords or phrases, as it will save a lot of money. When evaluating the effectiveness of a key, take into account the CTR, average cost, and number of conversions.When a key has enough clicks, analyze the number of conversions in the keywords report. If there are no conversions, then view the associated conversions. Also, refine your search queries and expand your lists of negative keywords.

More accurate audience selection

Once you find your target audience, don’t stop. In order for contextual advertising to be more effective, it is necessary to understand the habits of users, their interests, and their behavior in social networks. After analysis, use similar audience types. Thanks to the hyperlocal targeting capabilities of PPC advertising, using this type of audience allows you to interact with users with unique depth and precision.

Launch of retargeting advertising campaigns

It is also important to work with users who have been on your site before. According to Optimizely, 92% of new website users will not make a purchase on their first visit. However, after using retargeting, they are 70% more likely to make a purchase from you than from competitors.

Work on the site

Due to the growing audience of smartphone users, your site should have a mobile version. Also, to increase the effectiveness of contextual advertising, it is important:


  1. High website loading speed.
  2. Functionality and clarity of the landing page.

Proper budget allocation

A very low, unrealistic budget is a common problem with unsuccessful advertising campaigns. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to invest significant money in contextual advertising. It is important to correctly allocate the budget and rationally use resources at different stages of marketing promotion.Efficient use of resources will be facilitated by:


  • study of statistical indicators and principal metrics;
  • A/B testing (selection of keywords, audiences, and demographic data);
  • analysis of competitors’ advertising campaigns.

Improving the structure of advertising campaigns

You need to have a clear account structure if you want Google Ads to work properly. For this purpose, before launching an advertising campaign, accurately determine the goal of the promotion. It is also necessary to create separate ad groups for each specific offer. Also, make sure each ad group is sending traffic to the right landing page. Don’t overlook the naming and optimization of your PPC campaign structure. It, in particular, will simplify the process of working with an account and reduce the time spent searching for problematic items.


We briefly described some of the main methods for increasing the effectiveness of contextual advertising. If you don’t know if your Google ads are set up well, contact PPC specialists. They will help you optimize your ads based on the latest updates and trends.

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