
SMM promotion for the Internet provider UTELS

How to increase the reach index and expand the audience by +43.6% on the provider's Facebook page in a year


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Input data

Client: Internet provider in Kyiv.

Problem: insufficient number of subscribers and organic reach.

Duration: 1 year.

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increasing the company's visibility among potential subscribers and distinguishing it from competitors;
formation of the image of a reliable and high-quality Internet provider;
attracting a new audience to the Facebook page and encouraging interaction.
List of works and results

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1. We updated the content strategy and design concept in accordance with new trends.

Designing a page before cooperation with us

How does the design of posts look like now

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Stories are also designed according to the updated design concept

2. We developed the permanent rubrics, each of which has its own design concept. We also implement interactive or entertaining components in the design of posts, with the help of which we attract the attention of the audience and encourage them to interact.

An example of the design of an entertainment rubric

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An example of the design of an expert rubric

An example of designing an advertising rubric

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An example of the design of an information rubric

3. We promoted posts with the Interaction goal to increase page activity. Results: UAH 0.02-0.04 per targeted action.

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4. We regularly launched an advertising campaign with the goal of Page Likes, experimented with formats and creatives to obtain better results.

In 2023, the audience increased by +43.6%. During the entire period of cooperation, the number of followers on the page increased more than six times: from 4,020 to 24,971.

- average coverage per month: 83,000 (+28.7% increase compared to 2022);
- average number of interactions per month: up to 1,500.

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Indicators of key metrics for 2023

List of works and results

1. We updated the content strategy and design concept in accordance with new trends.

Designing a page before cooperation with us

How does the design of posts look like now

Stories are also designed according to the updated design concept

2. We developed the permanent rubrics, each of which has its own design concept. We also implement interactive or entertaining components in the design of posts, with the help of which we attract the attention of the audience and encourage them to interact.

An example of the design of an entertainment rubric

An example of the design of an expert rubric

An example of designing an advertising rubric

An example of the design of an information rubric

3. We promoted posts with the Interaction goal to increase page activity. Results: UAH 0.02-0.04 per targeted action.

4. We regularly launched an advertising campaign with the goal of Page Likes, experimented with formats and creatives to obtain better results.

In 2023, the audience increased by +43.6%. During the entire period of cooperation, the number of followers on the page increased more than six times: from 4,020 to 24,971.

- average coverage per month: 83,000 (+28.7% increase compared to 2022);
- average number of interactions per month: up to 1,500.

Indicators of key metrics for 2023

Updating the content strategy and design concept helped to attract a new target audience and arouse interest in the page among the existing ones, which resulted in an increase in the audience, an increase in interactions and a significant increase in the reach rate.
An important role in this was played by interactive posts, in which the audience actively participated, as well as useful educational content, such as life hacks or effective Internet tips, which clearly demonstrate the possibilities of using the provider's products in the home and business version.

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