
Setting up Google advertising for a law company

How to set up PPC advertising in a highly competitive niche to get as many conversions as possible


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: Setting up Google advertising for a law company
Input data

Client: private law firm.

Task: creating and setting up a Google Ads account to test an advertising channel for the legal niche.

Duration: 2.5 months.

Problem: the client asked to promote the list of his services, namely: legal support in resolving legal issues, in particular, administrative violations, criminal proceedings, civil cases, as well as legal assistance to the military.

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List of works

We set up search and Pmax.
After the first month of work, assessing the high competition in the market, it was decided to focus on the highest priority areas: criminal and military cases.
Accordingly, we worked on the semantic core in more detail, in particular, we divided it into categories, services, and articles of offenses.
We replaced the pre-responsive ads with new ads that focus on selected topics.
We created new creatives, text, and banner ads for Pmax and also described in more detail the problems that the law firm helps solve.

With budget expenses of 37,700 UAH, 16 form submissions, and 176 calls were received. The conversion cost was 196 UAH. At the same time, the average cost per click is 5.48 UAH. We continue to work to achieve maximum results.

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