
Instagram brand promotion

How to work with profiles that use gray promotional methods and increase the number of interactions with the audience by 100 times


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: Instagram brand promotion
Income data

Client: gadget and electronics store, which previously used gray promotional methods (massliking and massfollowing).

Goal: increasing interactions with the profile, brand awareness in the network and customer loyalty.

Implementation period: 1 year.

The promotion process was complicated because the store's audience was attracted through massfollowing and massliking, so most profiles were completely indifferent to the brand and its product.

Indicators before cooperation:
- audience — 6 000 subscribers;
- outreach (indicators in the context of 1 month) — 5 700;
- displays (indicators in the context of 1 month) — 12 900;
- interactions — 1 200.