
Advertising on Google Ads
for QR menu Creation Service

Increased conversion rate by 124.59% and achieved the goal of 50 registrations per month


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: Advertising on Google Ads for QR menu Creation Service
Input data

Client: service for creating a contactless menu for restaurants, cafes and bars

Task: creating and setting up Google advertising account to reach 50 registrations per month

Terms: 2 months

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What we did

Set up registrations' tracking (as a basic conversion) and steps to registration (to use them as micro-conversions for a deeper understanding and analysis of traffic).
Collected and grouped target semantics for search campaigns. And have compiled a list of negative keywords.
Created for all groups 2 versions of expanded text ads and 1 adaptive search ad.
Created all possible extensions, including language versions of the website and advertising campaigns (Ukrainian, Russian, English).
Created lists of remarketing audiences by behavioral factors and in different time periods.
Selected the right audiences from standard Google Ads audiences for Google Display Network and YouTube advertising.
Created "special audiences" for Google Display Network and YouTube advertising.
Created and customized campaigns on search, Google Display Network and YouTube.
Optimized advertising campaigns in the search and contextual media network

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In the first month we received 34 registrations. This gave us initial statistics and an understanding of the next steps in order to achieve the target of 50 registrations per month.

In the second month, the number of registrations increased by 58.82%, e.g. 54 conversions, for the same budget. Due to the correct optimization of advertising account, we increased the conversion rate by 124.59% and achieved the goal of 50 registrations per month.

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In the first month we received 34 registrations. This gave us initial statistics and an understanding of the next steps in order to achieve the target of 50 registrations per month.

In the second month, the number of registrations increased by 58.82%, e.g. 54 conversions, for the same budget. Due to the correct optimization of advertising account, we increased the conversion rate by 124.59% and achieved the goal of 50 registrations per month.

Do you want the same?

Order an individual consultation to discuss your project!   
