
Lead generation
in social networks
for a developer

How to maintain the effectiveness of advertising campaigns while reducing the budget


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Input data

The object of promotion: a large residential complex located in one of the most densely populated areas of the capital near the subway.

Goal: to develop a plan to minimize the loss of quality of the advertising campaign and the number of applications, maintaining the former coverage on social networks while reducing the budget by 50%.

Term: 1 month.

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Mechanics of work on real estate advertising on social networks

It is better to start with the development of actual quarantine offers from the developer. Most of them relate to favorable terms of installments, fixing the dollar exchange rate, or the final value of the real estate. First, it is important to develop advantageous offers together with the client, which will be difficult to refuse even during the period of global quarantine.
Then, for each offer, the designers developed packages of graphic layouts, which differed in plot and other features depending on the specifics and needs of each segment of the target audience. All images have been adapted to display formats in the Feed and Stories.
You have to focus on maintaining inner peace. It is important for a brand to show support and understanding to its customers, helping to maintain confidence and a sense of stability in the lives of each of them.
It is important to understand that a crisis is the best time to experiment, improve and grow. During the quarantine, we tested an additional type of creative and implemented a virtual video tour of residential complexes based on the video provided by the client. It helped us increase interest and improve audience engagement.
Next, experts calculated the budget for a weekly test on Facebook and Instagram to effectively allocate the budget between resources and choose creative.
After collecting information and conducting a detailed analysis, we began to optimize new advertising campaigns. We excluded ineffective segments of selected target audiences and ads that showed low CTR and engagement.
In total, we ran 10 formatted ads during the campaign. Just a few days after running the test, we saw clear favorites. After receiving this information, we began to optimize new advertising campaigns. We excluded low-performing segments of selected target audiences and ads and focused on those with higher CTR and engagement levels.
We also decided to reduce the number of posts three times and cut the budget for their promotion on social networks by 50%. Carefully planned and adapted to reality targeting, various creatives, and formats in publications brought the desired result. We brought interaction and coverage rates to the same level as in the month before the quarantine.
Advertising campaign results

In the screenshots below, you will see the statistics of the two posts on the client's Facebook page and the results of their promotion.

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Post #1 statistics data

In post #1 we used a video that reached more than 12,000 users.

Post #2 statistics data

For post #2 we prepared a selection of photos of the nearest infrastructure to the residential complex, which aroused interest from users — the coverage reached 15,000 users.

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some alt text
General result

Reducing the cost per lead:
- In the anti-crisis campaign, it decreased by 33.33%;
- CTR increase by 31.62%;
- High coverage rates — a slight decrease of less than 13%;
- High level of budget optimization: 45.07% less than in the previous month of normal operation.

Advertising campaign results

Post #1 statistics data

In post #1 we used a video that reached more than 12,000 users.

Post #2 statistics data

For post #2 we prepared a selection of photos of the nearest infrastructure to the residential complex, which aroused interest from users — the coverage reached 15,000 users.

General result

Reducing the cost per lead:
- In the anti-crisis campaign, it decreased by 33.33%;
- CTR increase by 31.62%;
- High coverage rates — a slight decrease of less than 13%;
- High level of budget optimization: 45.07% less than in the previous month of normal operation.

As a result, we managed to significantly reduce the price per lead and the customer's advertising budget without losing the quality of promotion.
We achieved the number of leads accepted in the real estate industry and maintained a strong position in the information field during quarantine, a crucial period when users spent a record amount of time online.
In times of crisis and other large-scale changes, it is important to use all opportunities, respond quickly to the situation, implement new approaches, and constantly improve to get the most benefit for yourself and your business.

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