Targeted social media advertising Targeted social media advertising
Targeted advertising. Order a target on social networks for your target audience.
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Targeted advertising on social networks

Advertising in social networks is what you need if you want to quickly tell the world about your business, expand your audience or draw attention to a new product or service. Targeted advertising allows you to attract users who are potentially interested in the product and match the description of your typical buyer or customer, which ensures its high efficiency.

We have experience working in a variety of niches, with large and small budgets, so we can help you get the most out of social media.

By ordering targeted advertising from us, you will receive:

Targeted advertising


We suggest you familiarize yourself with our cases

Case: Targeted Facebook Ads for the developer
Targeted Facebook Ads for the developer

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Case: Anti-crisis targeted advertising on Facebook for a developer
Anti-crisis targeted advertising on Facebook for a developer

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Case: Targeted advertising for a restaurant serving Asian and European cuisine
Targeted advertising for a restaurant serving Asian and European cuisine

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Case: Setting up targeted advertising for an online military clothing store
Setting up targeted advertising for an online military clothing store

How to launch an advertising campaign for new pages on social networks to get more than 60 sales in the first month

Order targeting

Why is targeted advertising so effective?

Targeting in social networks is a type of Internet advertising that allows you to select from the entire audience only the target audience that most closely matches the portrait of a potential customer of your business and to show advertising specifically to it. Advertisements are not displayed by keywords but by specific parameters: age, gender, location, interests, behavior, device type, etc.


This type of advertising is possible on most popular social networks. It is what makes targeting one of the best tools for performance marketing.

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What we offer

We set up targeted advertising on the following social networks:

Stages of setting up targeted advertising


Technical preparation

We get access to Meta resources and GTM/GA analytics systems. We configure Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics (basically) and check the site’s readiness to launch advertising.


Advertising setup

We plan and create the account structure, segment the target audience, create audiences for advertising, and launch test advertisements in accordance with the plan.



We analyze advertising effectiveness and prepare reports. We draw conclusions and make plans for further work.


Getting to know the project

We analyze the brief, niche, product, or service. We audit the existing advertising account and draw up a media plan, which we agree upon at the meeting with the client.


Technical preparation

We get access to Meta resources and GTM/GA analytics systems. We configure Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics (basically) and check the site’s readiness to launch advertising.


Preparation of materials

We build hypotheses about advertising communications, develop a “roadmap” for the launch and development of a project, and agree on the USP and CTA for advertising campaigns. We analyze competitors in the advertising library and, taking into account trends, develop creatives and prepare texts for advertisements.


Advertising setup

We plan and create the account structure, segment the target audience, create audiences for advertising, and launch test advertisements in accordance with the plan.


Analysis and optimization

We monitor the progress of advertising campaigns and analyze the first results. Based on the data obtained on advertising effectiveness, we adjust, optimize the ad, and scale the advertising campaign.



We analyze advertising effectiveness and prepare reports. We draw conclusions and make plans for further work.


Getting to know the project

We analyze the brief, niche, product, or service. We audit the existing advertising account and draw up a media plan, which we agree upon at the meeting with the client.


Preparation of materials

We build hypotheses about advertising communications, develop a “roadmap” for the launch and development of a project, and agree on the USP and CTA for advertising campaigns. We analyze competitors in the advertising library and, taking into account trends, develop creatives and prepare texts for advertisements.


Analysis and optimization

We monitor the progress of advertising campaigns and analyze the first results. Based on the data obtained on advertising effectiveness, we adjust, optimize the ad, and scale the advertising campaign.

Contact us

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The cost of services

Media planning
Help in setting up access
Account audit
Basic setup of Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel
Advertising campaigns - up to 3
Advertisements - up to 15
Writing ad texts - up to 3
Development of basic static graphics - up to 3
Performance monitoring and optimization
The minimum term is 3 months
Preparation of monthly reports
Basic design and content of the page
Animation of static graphic elements
Media planning
Help in setting up access
Account audit
Basic design and content of the page – 2-3 posts
Basic setup of Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel
Advertising campaigns - up to 5
Advertisements – up to 25
Writing ad texts – up to 10
Development of basic static graphics – up to 10
Animation of static graphic elements – up to 2
Performance monitoring and optimization
Preparation of monthly reports
Preparation of reporting for the interim period
The minimum term is 3 months
Media planning
Help in setting up access
Account audit
Basic design and content of the page – 2-3 posts
Basic setup of Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel
Advertising campaigns – selected individually
Advertisements – selected individually
Writing ad texts is selected individually
The development of basic static graphics – is selected individually
Animation of static graphic elements – is selected individually
Performance monitoring and optimization
Preparation of monthly reports
Preparation of reporting for the interim period
The minimum term is 3 months


What client companies say about us

During the cooperation, the company has proven itself as a professional and reliable partner, and the company's employees have shown high professionalism, creativity, and efficiency in fulfilling the assigned tasks. The professionalism of the specialists in Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

- Funduk.Ua

During our cooperation, this company won our trust with its impeccable work and responsibility for the final result. All services are provided with high quality and on time. We recommend Lanet Click LLC as a reliable and efficient partner in the field of IT services.

- Kovalska Invest LLC

During the period of cooperation, Lanet CLICK LLC has shown its ability to approach tasks with full responsibility and to perform work of high quality and on time. A distinctive feature of the agency's work is the high level of professionalism, organization of the company's employees, and honesty. They promptly respond to force majeure circumstances and effectively organize the work process. We recommend Lanet CLICK for cooperation as a reliable and stable business partner!

- JSC Oschadbank

The company has confirmed its professionalism, activity, and competence in performing the assigned tasks. We are satisfied with the work of Lanet Click LLC and recommend the company as a responsible and reliable partner.

- Lanet Network LTD

The company is a reliable partner, and the company's employees are professionals to whom you can entrust the matter and be sure of the quality and timeliness of the services provided. I confirm that the team of specialists at Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

- IntergalBudInvest

We are completely satisfied with our work with the Lanet CLICK team. The representatives have repeatedly confirmed their competence and ability to achieve results. Advertising, adjusted by them, works effectively, communication is clear, all tasks are completed in time and on a proper level. We recommend the agency as a reliable contractor.

- Berest

Sincere thanks to the Lanet CLICK team for the excellent work in the field of targeted advertising for our company. Specialists analyzed our audience in detail, created cool creatives and adjusted advertising campaigns so that our business received a significant increase in the number of customers and sales. They always stick to the negotiated budget, terms, and remind about the launch of new ideas and wishes. It is worth noting the prompt feedback and flexibility in solving any issues. The team is always in touch, offering creative solutions and updating strategies based on results. We recommend this company to everyone who seeks high-quality and effective promotion of their business online.

- KeramHall

We are very pleased! We see the results both by impressions and by average positions. We would like to add that the agency dispelled our previous experiences of cooperation with SEO specialists, because it was usually necessary to make a lot of effort to get something moving. Here, on the contrary, it feels like team have everything under control, and this issue is completely taken care of! Exceeded expectations-reality. We are satisfied with the partnership with Lanet CLICK. Special thanks to the project manager, like the communication, the structured approach and everything is very clear and prompt, so that there are never any questions. Super!


During our cooperation with the Lanet company, we were repeatedly convinced of its reliability and high level of services. The team always demonstrates diligence, promptly solving tasks and meeting deadlines. Separately, it is worth noting the adequate ratio of price and quality. Services are provided at a high level, the cost remains competitive. We recommend this company to everyone who is looking for a reliable partner in the field of Internet marketing.

- Power up

It is a pleasure to work with the team. The work is delivered on time, managers respond promptly to the assigned tasks. Also, I would like to note that in controversial situations, the team went to a meeting, so we were able to find a compromise. We recommend the services of the Lanet CLICK team.


We are often asked

Why do you need to promote your business on social networks?

Promotion and advertising on Instagram, promotion and advertising on Facebook increase brand awareness, help to form a positive image, make it possible to communicate with the audience directly and even promote a brand or product without a website. Thanks to a number of free promotion methods and cheap advertising, social networks allow even projects with a small budget to develop relatively quickly.

What does the targeted advertising service include?

It is widely believed that the service of targeted advertising involves only defining the audience and making the necessary settings, but this is not so. As part of the service, specialists carry out preparatory processes and develop a promotion scheme, after which they begin to set up the advertising campaign.

How much does it cost to set up targeted advertising?

It is impossible to name the exact cost since it depends on many factors, in particular, on the choice of advertising platform. For example, Instagram ads, Facebook ads, and TikTok ads will cost differently. The price also depends on such factors as customization criteria, features of the target audience, level of competition, conversion rate, etc.

Who needs targeted advertising?

Targeted advertising is an effective tool for business promotion, regardless of its specificity and scale. It is successfully used by both giant companies and micro-businesses offering various services and products. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to correctly draw up a strategy and select an advertising platform, taking into account the characteristics of the business. Targeted and contextual advertising will help you increase brand awareness and sales of your company.

What is the price of targeted advertising in Ukraine?

Targeted advertising is one of the most affordable ways of online promotion. The cost of targeted advertising depends on many factors, but you can set up effective targeting with budgets of completely different sizes.

Who needs targeted advertising?

Targeted advertising allows you to attract numerous customers interested in your products and services. Accordingly, increase sales rate while reducing the advertising budget.

What are the advantages of targeted advertising?

Targeted advertising allows you to attract many customers interested in your products and services. Accordingly, increase sales rate while reducing the advertising budget.

Let targeting

improve your business performance

Order the service today

Goals of targeted advertising in social networks


Attracting target audience

Professional customization allows you to show your ads to users who are truly interested in your product.


Optimization of advertising budget

This type of advertising is considered both the most inexpensive and the most effective way to promote, because it helps to increase the flow of customers, even with a small budget. By having identified the TA as accurately as possible, you will be able to reduce your advertising budget and get the desired results. In addition, the presence of the company’s website is not required for this type of promotion.


Growth of sales rates

Since advertising on social networks allows you to tell as many interested users as possible about your offer, you get an increase in the conversion rate. As a result, sales are growing and profits’ rates are increasing steadily.


Online brand popularization

Target allows you not only to promote the company’s product, but share new products as well, talk about interesting promotions and offers, the principles of the company and its life in general. Consumers value the openness of the brand and follow the activities of such companies with special interest.


Targeted advertising service includes:


Audit of your accounts.

To successfully launch advertising, it is important to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your profiles, for which each account is analyzed by a specialist.


Creating a detailed portrait of your target audience and choosing a platform for further targeting on social networks.

With the help of web analytics, experts determine the gender, age, geolocation of your customers, their interests and tastes. This helps to identify the audience interested in your products or services as accurately as possible, to understand their behavioral benefits and, therefore, to choose a platform for further SMM promotion.


Work on creating a brand advertising strategy.

A thorough approach is required. For effective promotion, it is important to carefully consider the content that will attract attention and be well remembered by potential customers, but will not be intrusive.


Development of advertising materials.

It needs several different options for text and graphic creatives that will be used in testing ads and the advertising campaign itself.


Setting up advertising campaign and implementing integration of requests is one of the most important steps.

If you want the content to be seen by those people who can become potential customers of the brand, it is important to make all the settings as accurately as possible.


Campaign testing and optimization.

After the launch of ads, it is important to monitor the reaction of users and quickly make adjustments to the campaign settings depending on the preferences of the target audience. This will allow to improve the results and achieve maximum performance.



After the previous stage, you can begin scaling the campaign, which, in fact, will help achieve the planned sales figures.


Professional targeting will help you achieve the desired results in a short time. Entrepreneurs often try to set up online advertising on their own, believing that this will help reduce costs but in most cases, they still get the opposite result. If you don’t want to waste money but want to rapidly increase the number of sales in a short period, you should order targeting settings from professionals.


By ordering targeting from Lanet CLICK, you’ll get:


  • unique advertising strategy;
  • attracting target audience;
  • increasing brand awareness;
  • loyalty of both regular and new customers;
  • increasing the flow of potential customers and increasing the number of sales;
  • advertising budget optimization; regular reports: we track traffic and conversions from the targeting channel, namely: CPC (cost per click); CPO (cost per order), CPL (cost per lead) and CPI (cost per install).


Advantages of targeted advertising


As we have already found out, such advertising is customized to the specific needs of the user, taking into account his social status, interests, location, search queries, hobbies, etc. That’s why it has such high efficiency. In addition to this main advantage, Lanet CLICK offers:


  • Full support during the advertising campaign.
  • Assistance in set up, writing, designing and editing advertisements.
  • Instant launch of advertising after payment.
  • Ability to run multiple advertising campaigns on social networks at the same time.


Types of targeting


  • Selection of advertising platforms is the most popular type. Platforms are selected so that their visitors correspond to the TA (target audience). The target audience is your potential clients to whom the advertising will be directed.
  • Thematic targeting involves displaying advertising on sites with a specific topic. This can be, for example, specialized online stores that sell products for the whole family, spare parts for cars or cosmetics.
  • Geotargeting in social networks is the demonstration of advertising messages in the feed to users located in a certain territory: in a country, region, city, or district. Such advertising is based on determining the user’s location by linking it to his IP address.
  • Local – displaying ads to users located within a radius of 900 meters to 15 kilometers from the place of offline sales. So you can find an audience that is currently looking for the right product or is located near your store. Such advertising can be very effective.
  • Time targeting (morning/evening, weekday/weekend) can reduce the number of ineffective ad displays. For example, a targeted ad for a lunch delivery company will generate more conversions when shown during weekday lunch breaks than on weekends.
  • Socio-demographic is advertising that is based on the gender, age, income, marital status, and education of network users. All this data can be tracked using cookies, questionnaires and surveys. The potential disadvantage is not completely accurate and may noy hit the target, as some people may provide incorrect information about themselves.
  • Behavioral – considered the most promising. Provides careful selection of information about user’s actions using cookies: personal data, hobbies, interests, purchases, search queries, etc. All this data allows you to create a detailed portrait of a specific user.
  • Geobehavioral targeting allows you to understand the interests of the user, based on his movements, locations, marks on the maps. Ad displaying will be based on this information, Google’s geo targeting settings. Example of advertising: if a user visits the gym often, he or she may be interested in other similar establishments as well. Exact location, up to the name of the institution in which the object is located, is determined by various geosocial services (for example, AlterGeo).


Don’t know how to properly set up targeted advertising in social networks? Contact Lanet CLICK! To request an individual consultation and receive examples of successful cases in your field, fill out the form on the website or call the manager.
