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SEO for product filters: how to avoid problems with indexing and duplication

Optimization of filter pages affects the promotion of an online store. Category sections are created for high-frequency queries, and static subsections of online filters are created for medium- and low-frequency queries. How to avoid problems with indexing and duplication during search engine optimization, you will read in the material. 

SEO for product filters: how to do it right

Optimization of an online store created on any of the popular CMS includes setting up filters using a special module. However, before using it, it is important to remember that almost everything must be adapted to specific SEO requirements. Optimization for product filters takes into account the results of the audit of competitors’ websites, the development of the semantic core, etc. 

What kind of filtering systems are there

One of the ways to organize filters in the online store is the AJAX system. It provides that when you select the desired parameters, the filter is applied without reloading the page. In some cases, the # symbol is added to the main URL of the page, but it does not change the page itself. Such pages are not indexed and do not attract additional organic traffic. It is the optimal solution if the promotion of sites with a small online catalog is carried out. It is not suitable for the optimization and development of landing pages. 


The second method is the presence of a GET parameter in the URL. With its help, additional pages are formed with the addition of a parameter that begins with the symbol “?”. This method is more convenient compared to the first one. However, some problems may occur, such as duplicate content and garbage pages appearing in the index.


Another method is static URLs. They are a filtering method where each combination of filters creates a unique, fixed URL. It is an optimal approach that facilitates the indexing of pages by search engines, which helps to improve the promotion of the site on the Internet. The disadvantages of the method are cost and the need for careful consideration of all related nuances for proper implementation.

How to organize a filtering system for an online store

The best option is to organize user-friendly (clean) URLs already at the site development stage. The following tasks should be solved for filter pages:


  • generate user-friendly URLs for all filter pages;
  • customize the generation of metadata and H1 headings and add functionality for placing texts on the site;
  • make links between the filter pages.

Opening pages for indexing

You should open only those pages that can benefit your promotion, such as first-level filter pages and the intersection of two filters. In addition, do not forget to close sorting pages, as well as pages with the selection of two parameters of one filter, for example, the size of the product.

Generating URLs for filter pages

This process involves creating readable and logical URLs to facilitate indexing and improve SEO. It is important to respect the nesting of URLs when selecting multiple filters, regardless of the sequence of parameter selection; otherwise, there will be a huge number of duplicate pages.

Generating metadata and adding content

This process includes generating metadata with the possibility of flexible template implementation (which provides, in particular, the possibility of declination) and adding text blocks. If the CMS does not have an option to optimize metadata and content, it is worth refining the functionality. 

Relinking filter pages

To improve the indexing of filter pages that may attract traffic, it is important to ensure that they are relinked. It can be done by adding links to the sitemap.xml file, including them in the sitemap, and integrating them into the texts of other pages. It is also recommended to use a tag cloud.


Optimizing the indexing of filter pages is a complex process that requires careful attention and professional skills. Therefore, online store owners should turn to SEO experts. Digital agency Lanet CLICK provides all the necessary services to increase the site’s visibility in search engines. Our team will provide a comprehensive approach to optimization, allowing you to focus on business development while we work on improving your online presence. Our company also offers technical website audit services. 

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