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Online store optimization: how to improve the structure and navigation for SEO

The success of an online store largely depends on its visibility in search engines. Consumers are increasingly searching for goods and services on the Internet. If your site does not occupy high positions in the search engine, you lose potential customers. To avoid this problem, it is worth paying attention to the search engine promotion of the online store, in particular, to improve the structure of the site and navigation, which significantly affect user behavior and the site’s ranking. 


The main thing to understand when optimizing an online store is that the fewer clicks a user has to make on the site to find and buy a product, the better the chances of a sale and the better the behavioral factors. Therefore, the structure of an online store website should be user-friendly with a simple hierarchy of pages, and navigation should be intuitive. 

The main aspects of optimizing the online store structure

  • Analyze the current structure. First, conduct a detailed audit of the existing structure of the site to identify weaknesses and determine what changes need to be made to improve it. Make sure that the hierarchy of pages, from more general categories to narrower product subcategories, is respected. 
  • Clear the navigation menu. An intuitive navigation menu makes it easy for users to find the information and products they need on the site. Place the main categories in the main menu, and use drop-down lists for subcategories. This makes it quick and easy to navigate to the desired sections, improving user experience and reducing bounce rate.
  • Filters and product sorting. Filters and sorting tools help users find products by specific parameters, such as price, brand, or rating. Implementing easy-to-use and feature-rich filters not only improves navigation but also helps increase conversions. 
  • Breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs are a navigation chain that shows the user’s path to the current page. They help users navigate the site and return to previous sections. For search engines, breadcrumbs are an additional source of information about the site’s structure, so their presence is important for SEO and improves the indexing of pages.
  • Internal linking. Create a system of internal links to connect pages on the same topic. This makes it easier for users to access useful information and improves the indexing of pages in search engines.
  • Optimize the URL structure. Simple and clear links help users and search engines better understand the content of pages. Use simple and short, reflecting the structure of the site’s SEO-friendly URLs with keywords. Avoid long and complex URLs and duplicate content by using canonical URLs.
  • Site Map. Create and regularly update an XML sitemap for search engines and an HTML sitemap for users to increase your online store’s visibility on the web and speed up the indexing of new pages.

How to check the results of online store optimization

Optimizing the structure and navigation of an online store takes several weeks; the timeframe depends on the complexity and scope of the work. 


After making changes, it is important to check the results regularly. Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track key metrics such as traffic, time on site, bounce rate, and conversions. Analyze the data to understand which aspects need improvement. 

Comprehensive promotion of online stores by digital agency Lanet CLICK

Optimization of the structure and navigation of the site is not always enough for successful promotion. Often, you need a comprehensive approach to optimization, including a site audit, work with semantic core, link building, and technical work. It will help you stay competitive and attract new customers.


However, comprehensive SEO for an online store is an ongoing process that requires keeping up with new trends and technologies in SEO and marketing in general.


If you need professional help in the promotion of your online store, contact our digital agency, Lanet CLICK. We offer comprehensive SEO on favorable terms. Our SEO specialists have experience working with different niches and budgets, so they choose the optimal promotion strategy for your project, taking into account the peculiarities of the niche and product. It will help increase the site’s visibility in search engines and attract more customers. 

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