
Advertising on YouTube

We set up video advertising that brings customers
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Why businesses need YouTube advertising

The service regularly ranks among the top three most popular sites in Ukraine


Universal and convenient key for advertising

Advertising on YouTube is an effective method for presenting a company, increasing reach, improving recognition and loyalty, and attracting conversion traffic. Thanks to the flexible settings on the platform, you can successfully promote various products and services.

What are the formats of advertising on YouTube

There are several main types of ads:

TrueView In-stream Skippable Ads

These are clips of any length that can be shown at the beginning, end, or middle of the video; they can be skipped after 5 seconds of showing.

Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads

The main difference from the previous type is the absence of the ability to skip ads and, as a result, the limitation of video duration.

TrueView for Action

This type of video ad works on conversions. A video that a user can skip consists of a call to action, a title, and an end screen.

TrueView Discovery

Ads are shown to users searching for new videos. They are placed on YouTube's main page and in search results.

Bumper Ads

This type provides placement of either a video up to 6 seconds long or a banner. Shown before, during, or after the main video without skipping.

The cost of services

Display advertising
Creating a Google Ads advertising account
Basic setup of Google Analytics
Development of creatives for the Display Network
Video adaptation and advertising launch
Setting up remarketing
Media planning
Planning and creating an account structure
Writing advertisements
Set up and launch campaigns
Monitoring the performance of impressions
Correction and deepening of settings according to the results

What are the advantages of running ads on YouTube

Advertising in the service has a number of advantages, including:

Direct contact with the audience

Personalized videos

Control of the frequency of video showings

High-quality and accurate targeting

Availability of detailed analytics

Why your business needs PPC

How to order Youtube advertising

If you need effective advertising of YouTube channels, goods or services promotion, address to Lanet CLICK digital agency. The company brings together first class professionals who know how to set up YouTube advertising quickly and efficiently. Lanet CLICK team will conduct a detailed analysis of target audience and competitors, make a promotion strategy based on gathered information and after that will set up advertisement maximally precisely which will attract target traffic to your resource.

Contact us to get detailed information about YouTube advertising, cost of service and other details.

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What client companies say about us

During the cooperation, the company has proven itself as a professional and reliable partner, and the company's employees have shown high professionalism, creativity, and efficiency in fulfilling the assigned tasks. The professionalism of the specialists in Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

- Funduk.Ua

During our cooperation, this company won our trust with its impeccable work and responsibility for the final result. All services are provided with high quality and on time. We recommend Lanet Click LLC as a reliable and efficient partner in the field of IT services.

- Kovalska Invest LLC

During the period of cooperation, Lanet CLICK LLC has shown its ability to approach tasks with full responsibility and to perform work of high quality and on time. A distinctive feature of the agency's work is the high level of professionalism, organization of the company's employees, and honesty. They promptly respond to force majeure circumstances and effectively organize the work process. We recommend Lanet CLICK for cooperation as a reliable and stable business partner!

- JSC Oschadbank

The company has confirmed its professionalism, activity, and competence in performing the assigned tasks. We are satisfied with the work of Lanet Click LLC and recommend the company as a responsible and reliable partner.

- Lanet Network LTD

The company is a reliable partner, and the company's employees are professionals to whom you can entrust the matter and be sure of the quality and timeliness of the services provided. I confirm that the team of specialists at Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

- IntergalBudInvest

We are completely satisfied with our work with the Lanet CLICK team. The representatives have repeatedly confirmed their competence and ability to achieve results. Advertising, adjusted by them, works effectively, communication is clear, all tasks are completed in time and on a proper level. We recommend the agency as a reliable contractor.

- Berest

Sincere thanks to the Lanet CLICK team for the excellent work in the field of targeted advertising for our company. Specialists analyzed our audience in detail, created cool creatives and adjusted advertising campaigns so that our business received a significant increase in the number of customers and sales. They always stick to the negotiated budget, terms, and remind about the launch of new ideas and wishes. It is worth noting the prompt feedback and flexibility in solving any issues. The team is always in touch, offering creative solutions and updating strategies based on results. We recommend this company to everyone who seeks high-quality and effective promotion of their business online.

- KeramHall

We are very pleased! We see the results both by impressions and by average positions. We would like to add that the agency dispelled our previous experiences of cooperation with SEO specialists, because it was usually necessary to make a lot of effort to get something moving. Here, on the contrary, it feels like team have everything under control, and this issue is completely taken care of! Exceeded expectations-reality. We are satisfied with the partnership with Lanet CLICK. Special thanks to the project manager, like the communication, the structured approach and everything is very clear and prompt, so that there are never any questions. Super!


During our cooperation with the Lanet company, we were repeatedly convinced of its reliability and high level of services. The team always demonstrates diligence, promptly solving tasks and meeting deadlines. Separately, it is worth noting the adequate ratio of price and quality. Services are provided at a high level, the cost remains competitive. We recommend this company to everyone who is looking for a reliable partner in the field of Internet marketing.

- Power up

It is a pleasure to work with the team. The work is delivered on time, managers respond promptly to the assigned tasks. Also, I would like to note that in controversial situations, the team went to a meeting, so we were able to find a compromise. We recommend the services of the Lanet CLICK team.


We are often asked

We have collected frequently asked questions about video advertising on YouTube

Who is suitable for advertising on YouTube?

The platform is used by different target audiences. Therefore, advertising on YouTube is suitable for any business, provided that the strategy is chosen correctly and the settings are accurate. So, posting ads on YouTube is suitable for online stores, owners of salons, hair salons, and public catering establishments, private specialists to promote their services, beginner bloggers, etc.

Why should you order advertising on YouTube?

Running YouTube ads will be effective because video hosting has a number of advantages. Among them is direct contact with the target audience. With the help of advertising on YouTube, you will be able to tell potential customers about the advantages of your products. Video hosting also provides detailed analytics for advertising campaigns. It allows you to track metrics and optimize your ads.

How to determine the effectiveness of advertising on YouTube?

You can analyze advertising campaigns using various tools. One of them is YouTube Analytics. It allows you to get all the information you need about the number of views and interactions with advertising. You should also use Google Analytics to analyze advertising on YouTube. It helps track user behavior on the site and evaluate bounce rates.

What is the average cost of advertising on YouTube?

The cost of advertising on YouTube depends on a number of different factors. Among them are the region, country, and level of competition in the field in which you plan to promote, as well as the popularity of your target audience among other advertisers. At the same time, the minimum media budget for an effective launch of an advertising campaign on this platform is about UAH 20,000.

How do I choose a YouTube ad format?

YouTube differs from many other platforms in its variety of ad formats. The platform allows you to post videos of different lengths, static banners, and native integrations. The choice of YouTube advertising format depends on the product you are going to promote to your target audience. Multiple ad formats can be applied at the same time.

YouTube service is an apparent leader among platforms which give an opportunity to watch and share videos. Due to numerous advantages, the site is visited by billions of users from different parts of the world every day and that makes the platform especially popular among advertisers.


How does YouTube advertising work


YouTube video advertising service from Google company integrates advertising video content into the videos of platform users. Advertisements can be shown to viewers before the start of the video or directly in the video like an advertising insertion.


For YouTube advertising, it is necessary first of all to prepare a video or banner which will be presented to the viewer. Creative for promotion should be not only quality and informative but at the same time catch the eye from the first seconds of view. Video advertising can lead to the company’s site or to the group in social networks, Youtube channel or other sites.


Whom and when will suite YouTube advertising


Who should order YouTube advertising? Platform is suitable for business which searches for effective methods of company’s presentation, brand’s recognition, audience loyalty and attracting conversional traffic. Due to platform’s universality, YouTube advertising will be a perfect solution for promotion of different goods and services from educational courses and events to real estate and even elite cars.


YouTube advertising has a lot of advantages, in particular:


Minimum entry threshold


It is not necessary to attract a big team of professionals for video filming. It is important to prepare quality text but film and edit video you can even on a smartphone.




Google Ads advertising on Youtube offers a possibility of flexible settings, which allows running personalized videos for different segments of target audience.


Display control


You can independently control the frequency of video displays based on information about displays and views.


Detailed analytics


Due to opportunity of detailed analytics, it is possible to optimize advertising effectively and get maximum quality result of promotion.


Complex professional promotion of YouTube channel will help to speed up project development. This method is popular not only among business users but among bloggers who search for a method to tell about their product to as wide audience as possible. YouTube advertising will help to increase audience and consequently attract advertisers and monetize blog.


All advertising videos before posting go through moderation, during which the video is checked for accordance with requests of the platform. In order to get maximum effectiveness from advertising campaign, it better to ask for help from professionals who will prepare the promotion strategy and professionally set up advertising on YouTube taking into account platform’s requests.


Youtube advertising formats


There are several major formats of Youtube advertising can be used to promote:


TrueView In-Stream with the possibility of skipping


These are videos of different timing which can be shown in the beginning, end or middle of the video. The video can be skipped after 5 seconds of watching. The timing of the video can be different but professionals recommend limiting it to 3 minutes. Payment can be done per 1000 of displays or per each video in case if the video was shown not less than 30 seconds or was viewed till the end and then the client visited advertiser’s site by the link in the video.


TrueView In-Stream without the possibility of skipping


The main difference is an absence of skipping possibility and thus limiting of video duration.


TrueView for Action


It is an ideal option for conversion increasing as the ad includes call to action. User can skip the video. The prices can be installed for following the link or use the strategy «maximum conversions».


TrueView Discovery


Users will be shown an icon of the video and description text. Only after click the video will be shown. Advertisement will be shown among the search results with other similar videos (to the right among recommended content), the payment is made after user’s click.


Screensaver ads


The videos with duration up to 6 seconds or banners can be placed. They are shown before, during or after main video without skipping possibility. The payment is done per 1000 displays.


While choosing an advertisement option, you should take into consideration goals of advertising campaign and the specifics of advertised service or good.


How much does YouTube advertising cost?


There is no single answer to the question of how much YouTube advertising cost, because the price per click depends on the settings chosen by the advertiser. Like other Google advertising, YouTube advertising works on the principles of auction.


Cost of YouTube advertising depends on different factors among which:

  • parameters of target audience;
  • chosen ad type for promotion;
  • activity field.

If you want to buy YouTube advertising, it is better to address specialized agency. This decision will help to avoid additional expenses and numerous problems in promotion.