
Audit of contextual advertising

We will carefully analyze your contextual advertising to reveal its weak points.
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Why do you need a PPC advertising audit?

Contextual advertising is a powerful tool for promoting goods and services on the Internet. Its advantages are speed, flexibility, and high efficiency. But the expected result will not be achieved if the advertising campaign is configured incorrectly.


If your online ads aren’t getting the results you want, it’s worth checking your settings. To do this, you need to use the PPC advertising audit service.

What is included in the audit of the advertising campaign

Google Ads Analysis includes:

PPC Ads account audit

Defines the verification of settings: geotargeting, language, budget, account structure analysis, keyword matching, detection of landing page errors, etc.

Checking analytics systems

It involves determining the correctness of data processing and transmission, conversions, as well as the analysis of the number of viewed pages, rejections, and losses due to rating or budget.

Conclusions and recommendations

At this stage, competitors' activities are analyzed, and recommendations for further strategy and the setting up of advertising campaigns in Google Ads are collected.

The cost of services

Surface audit
Account analysis: structure, comprehensibility, and scalability
Checking the display on different devices
Analysis of geotargeting settings and budget
Study of communication with analytics systems
Audit of the correctness of the use of various types of advertising campaigns
Checking the bidding strategy
Audit of keywords, negative keywords, and search queries
Analysis of advertising campaigns for relevance to requests and effectiveness
Formation of recommendations based on the audit

What the audit of contextual advertising will give

Advantages of comprehensive verification of an advertising campaign:

Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of ad settings

Receiving recommendations for improving the advertising campaign

Increasing the effectiveness of PPC advertising without increasing the budget

Achieving the desired goals of the advertising campaign in a short period of time

Why your business needs PPC

Order Google advertising so that as many people as possible learn about your company

Analyzing Google Ads will reveal growth areas in the settings of the advertising account and campaigns, with subsequent adjustments to reduce the cost of conversion and increase the effectiveness of ads in search results.

At Lanet CLICK, you can order a surface and deep Google Ads audit of your project and competitors, as well as receive recommendations on optimizing PPC advertising. Our certified marketers will help you improve your advertising campaigns, attract traffic to the site even with a limited budget, and achieve your business goals in a short period of time.

Go to PPC


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During our cooperation, this company won our trust with its impeccable work and responsibility for the final result. All services are provided with high quality and on time. We recommend Lanet Click LLC as a reliable and efficient partner in the field of IT services.

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During the period of cooperation, Lanet CLICK LLC has shown its ability to approach tasks with full responsibility and to perform work of high quality and on time. A distinctive feature of the agency's work is the high level of professionalism, organization of the company's employees, and honesty. They promptly respond to force majeure circumstances and effectively organize the work process. We recommend Lanet CLICK for cooperation as a reliable and stable business partner!

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The company has confirmed its professionalism, activity, and competence in performing the assigned tasks. We are satisfied with the work of Lanet Click LLC and recommend the company as a responsible and reliable partner.

- Lanet Network LTD

The company is a reliable partner, and the company's employees are professionals to whom you can entrust the matter and be sure of the quality and timeliness of the services provided. I confirm that the team of specialists at Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

- IntergalBudInvest

We are completely satisfied with our work with the Lanet CLICK team. The representatives have repeatedly confirmed their competence and ability to achieve results. Advertising, adjusted by them, works effectively, communication is clear, all tasks are completed in time and on a proper level. We recommend the agency as a reliable contractor.

- Berest

Sincere thanks to the Lanet CLICK team for the excellent work in the field of targeted advertising for our company. Specialists analyzed our audience in detail, created cool creatives and adjusted advertising campaigns so that our business received a significant increase in the number of customers and sales. They always stick to the negotiated budget, terms, and remind about the launch of new ideas and wishes. It is worth noting the prompt feedback and flexibility in solving any issues. The team is always in touch, offering creative solutions and updating strategies based on results. We recommend this company to everyone who seeks high-quality and effective promotion of their business online.

- KeramHall

We are very pleased! We see the results both by impressions and by average positions. We would like to add that the agency dispelled our previous experiences of cooperation with SEO specialists, because it was usually necessary to make a lot of effort to get something moving. Here, on the contrary, it feels like team have everything under control, and this issue is completely taken care of! Exceeded expectations-reality. We are satisfied with the partnership with Lanet CLICK. Special thanks to the project manager, like the communication, the structured approach and everything is very clear and prompt, so that there are never any questions. Super!


During our cooperation with the Lanet company, we were repeatedly convinced of its reliability and high level of services. The team always demonstrates diligence, promptly solving tasks and meeting deadlines. Separately, it is worth noting the adequate ratio of price and quality. Services are provided at a high level, the cost remains competitive. We recommend this company to everyone who is looking for a reliable partner in the field of Internet marketing.

- Power up

It is a pleasure to work with the team. The work is delivered on time, managers respond promptly to the assigned tasks. Also, I would like to note that in controversial situations, the team went to a meeting, so we were able to find a compromise. We recommend the services of the Lanet CLICK team.


We are often asked

Frequently asked questions about the audit of contextual advertising have been collected

What does an advertising campaign audit include?

The audit of an advertising campaign includes an audit of the advertising account, in particular, checking Google Ads settings (targeting, budget, etc.) and identifying errors, checking account structure, the relevance of keywords to queries, analytics systems, and analyzing campaign results. It also includes conclusions and recommendations on the strategy and setting up advertising campaigns.

Why do you need an audit of advertising campaigns?

The audit allows you to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the campaign, get a list of recommendations for improving advertising, and suggestions for using other Google tools not involved before, for example, media advertising or teaser advertising. It also allows you to increase the effectiveness of contextual advertising (reduce the cost of a click, increase site traffic and sales) without increasing the budget for it.

What determines the cost of an audit?

The cost of the audit depends on the type of site (online store, corporate, with a catalog of products or with a catalog of services), the volume of the analyzed account, the number of advertising campaigns and advertising tools used. Order an individual consultation to find out the exact cost of the audit!

How long does it take to conduct an audit?

A complete analysis of contextual advertising takes one week, in addition to the preparatory work on data collection. From this week, four days will be spent on analysis and observation, and one day on the preparation of the text of conclusions and recommendations. Order an individual consultation with a specialist to find out the details of cooperation with our agency!

Do you provide recommendations for improving campaigns?

Audit services include the development of recommendations for improving the effectiveness of contextual advertising. We analyze your account and your competitors’ advertising campaigns and develop recommendations based on this data: advice on setting up advertising campaigns and ads, on semantics and negative keywords, and make suggestions for using other tools. If necessary, we will help you set up an advertising campaign.

Google AdWords Contextual Advertising – is a powerful tool for promoting online services and products. Its advantages include fast and evident results, flexibility, and high efficiency. But it is impossible to achieve the expected result with the wrong settings of advertising campaigns.


When does contextual advertising not work?


It usually happens due to incorrect advertising settings, incorrect segmentation of the target audience, and calculations. You should order an audit of contextual advertising if its effectiveness has decreased compared to the previous period if it costs more profit, and you are not sure about the correctness of its settings. A fresh look and objective advice will help you get out of a difficult situation.


How to understand why contextual advertising does not work?


There are several reasons.


Here is a list of the most common disadvantages of contextual advertising

  • Entangled structure. It’s difficult to track the performance of an ad campaign with a large number of ad groups with different queries if they have the same name. The company’s structure should be correct and simple then it is easy to carry out analytics.
  • Many rejections. To find out the reason, you need to check the search queries, the convenience of the landing page, and the correctness of the links.
  • Inconsistency between ad content and landing page. In this case, most visitors leave the site immediately because they feel cheated. Due to negative behavioral factors, the search engine lowers the site’s ranking in search results, so visits and sales will be even less. Compliance with the content of the landing page for the ad ensures the growth of clicks and sales.
  • Show ads in a few search engines simultaneously Statistics from different sources are mixed. It, in turn, complicates the analysis and management of rates.
  • Ad impressions on irrelevant queries In this case, the ad will be shown not only to your target audience, and its effectiveness will be low.
  • No extensions With a high advertising rate, the ad is displayed in the first place with all the additions, and when you fill out all the extensions, its effectiveness increases significantly.
  • Same rates for all phrases Same rates for all phrases. In this case, the effectiveness of ads is low because it disappears the opportunity to take high places for productive requests. There should be a higher rate for ads for more frequently purchased products.
  • Conversion optimization for additional relevant phrases has been disabled. Optimizing additional relevant phrases for your goals will significantly improve your advertising performance. However, do not forget to control the cost of this option.
  • The virtual business card is not set up properly Sometimes the user can’t or doesn’t want to follow the link, and then the phone number listed on the business card will allow them to call you right away. This way, you get a free lead.
  • There are no smart ads in the smart banner campaign Such ads allow you to promote a particular product or service. At the same time, they take up only 1/3 of advertising space, and therefore their placement is much cheaper. Another advantage of smart banners is the ability to use them not only for online stores but also for landings. Their conversion is also a third cheaper than the conversion of image and text-image ads. It is a profitable channel of promotion.
  • The cost of lead in some phrases is higher than required In this case, advertising may not pay off. You need to lower your CPL and optimize your ad impressions for these “problematic” phrases.
  • Ignoring Google Product Ads when promoting your online store This format is suitable for sites with a wide range and gives high conversion.
  • The use of image ads is not in all formats To reach your entire target audience, you need to prepare different graphic creatives for each of its segments. Google allows you to upload up to 20 images in various formats. We can talk about full audience coverage only after a specific ad has been shown for each segment.
  • Your ads are inconspicuous among competitors’ ads With the help of competitor analysis, you can look at your advertising campaign from the outside, identify shortcomings and improve it. For example, this may be a lack of USO, incorrect text, or invisible banners. All this can lead to the fact that customers will choose a competitor.
  • The retargeting campaign does not take into account sales funnel stages Before deciding to order a service or purchase a product, the customer goes through several stages, and on each of them, he must see the ad with the appropriate text.

A Google Adwords audit will help you identify and resolve all these issues.


How to audit contextual advertising


The audit of the Google Ads campaign consists of several successive stages:

  1. Identification and goal setting.
  2. Analytics of available data and analytics systems.
  3. Check the settings of advertising cabinets.
  4. Definition of advertising campaign strategy.


The audit of online advertising can be basic and detailed. The audit of online advertising can be basic and detailed. Experts recommend a basic express audit at the first stage of cooperation to detect gross errors in the settings of advertising offices. This service allows you to find the best solution for each type of business at the beginning.


After correcting obvious gross errors, or if they are not detected, you can proceed to the next stage — a detailed audit.


What does the audit of an advertising campaign in Google Adwords include?


1. Audit of the Adwords PPC account:

  • check the contextual advertising settings: geotargeting, language, budget, correct display on different devices and use of different types of advertising campaigns, check the connection with analytics systems, an ad showing strategies, and bidding;
  • checking the structure of the account, its clarity, and scalability, ease of management;
  • checking the relevance of the keywords of the advertising campaign to key queries, their correct grouping, conversion, and positions;
  • checking the correctness of the set rates and budget distribution between campaigns;
  • checking search queries, the correctness of work with them, and with “negative words”;
  • checking ads for relevance to queries and completeness of the text; checking their positions, relevance, and correctness of the tags;
  • errors detection when working with landing pages, checking the correctness of destination URLs.


2. Analytics systems checking:

  • determination of the correctness of data processing, transmission and conversions;
  • analysis of the number of pages viewed, the number of failures, and the correct operation of the goals;
  • кількості відмов, коректної роботи цілей analysis of losses through the rating/budget.


3. Conclusions and recommendations:

  • analysis of competitors’ activities;
  • recommendations for further strategy and settings up of advertising campaigns in Google Adwords.


The main goal of specialists is to reduce the cost of clicks and increase the reach of the target audience, to make your advertising as targeted as possible to those who may find it helpful. However, you can’t make decisions based solely on your conversion cost and cost per click.


Specialists also carry out additional work: track the lead’s follow-up after a successful order and compare with competitors to understand why you can’t afford to set the bids as they do.


After a detailed audit, you can move on to finding solutions to correct the current situation and achieve the best results.


What contextual advertising audit results will you receive?


  • You’ll learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your campaign: what your customers like and don’t like, and how effective your advertising campaigns are.
  • You’ll also get a list of tips for improving your advertising: tips for setting up advertising campaigns and ads, semantics and a list of negative keywords, and suggestions for using previously unused Google tools.
  • You’ll raise the effectiveness of Google Adwords contextual advertising without increasing your budget: You’ll learn which areas to work on and which channels to develop to reduce your cost per click and increase your site traffic and sales.


Price for audit of contextual advertising


The cost of work depends on the type of site. There are several types of sites:

  • Corporate;
  • With a list of services;
  • With a list of products;
  • Online stores.

What do you need to do to conduct an audit?

  • access to Google AdWords advertising accounts;
  • access to the Google Analytics analytics system;
  • connected call tracking;
  • order information, as well as customer feedback;
  • identifying specific campaign issues;
  • setting a realistic business goal for the advertising campaign.


How fast is an advertising account audited?


Before starting work, it is necessary to collect data and conduct preparatory work, and only after that do the company’s specialists join the process. An analysis of the effectiveness of contextual advertising takes one week. During four days, the specialist observes, analyzes, and processes information, after which he spends one day writing the text of the conclusion and developing recommendations.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of an external audit?


  • A “side view” will allow you to identify problems better.
  • Specialists will promptly solve your problems and offer ready-made solutions.
  • Third-party experts do not always understand the specifics of the business.
  • There is a risk of encountering unscrupulous professionals.


Therefore, it is important to order contextual advertising services only from reliable companies. Choose a company that is ready to take responsibility for the result and ask for feedback on its work. You can order an audit of the advertising campaign from our digital agency Lanet CLICK. Our experienced, competent PPC specialists will analyze, develop recommendations, and, if necessary, set up Google Adwords advertising campaigns at the best rates.