
SEO promotion for household appliance repair services

Increased the number of organic conversions and traffic, improved website rankings in search results


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: SEO promotion for household appliance repair services
Initial data

Client: сhousehold appliance repair service in Kyiv and the suburbs

Project duration: 6 months

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increase the amount of organic traffic to the website;
increase conversions from clients who come from organic search;
improve website visibility in TOP search results;
strengthen positions for branded search queries.
List of works

Analysis of competitors in search results, search for growth opportunities.
Audit and updating of the project's semantic core.
Technical audit and indexation audit in Google.
Development of meta tags for target pages.
Analysis of competitors in search results, searches for growth points.
Addition of new landing pages for brands and regions.
Increase in backlink profile.

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Growth of clicks for the last 6 months

Growth of clicks and impressions for the last 6 months

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Clicks comparison for the last 6 months

Comparison of organic traffic for 6 months

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All indicators compared to the previous period (before the cooperation)


Growth of clicks for the last 6 months

Growth of clicks and impressions for the last 6 months

Clicks comparison for the last 6 months

Comparison of organic traffic for 6 months

All indicators compared to the previous period (before the cooperation)

Traffic increased by 192.86%. Namely, it was 210 users, and now it is 615.
The number of conversions increased by 105.06%. At the beginning, there were 79 conversions and now there are 162.

Do you want the same?

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