
Setting up Google Ads for the website of the appliance repair service center

How to increase conversions by 107% in just 3 months, reducing their cost by 48.5%


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: Setting up Google Ads for the website of the appliance repair service center
Input data

Client: service center for the repair of appliances and the sale of spare parts.

Duration: 3 months.

Problem: the client set up the advertising himself and turned to us as specialists who could find areas for growth and improve the result.

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attract new potential customers to the site;
optimize advertising costs;
increase the number of requests;
reduce conversion costs.
List of works

Worked on key queries (general and by brand of equipment).
Developed a logical account structure.
Relied on search campaigns for technology brands.
Launched PMax for conversion and remarketing audiences.
Distributed funds between campaigns that are clearly aimed at attracting customers.
Worked out the message in the advertisements for the future client in accordance with his search query.

After the changes, we saw positive dynamics in the campaigns; traffic became cheaper and of better quality.

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Indicators for three months of work:

the number of conversions increased by 107%;
conversion cost decreased by 48.5%.


Indicators for three months of work:

the number of conversions increased by 107%;
conversion cost decreased by 48.5%.

In order for advertising to achieve the desired result, many factors must be taken into account. The main one is constant monitoring of indicators and analysis of changes in efficiency. The next and no less important period is the maintenance and optimization of campaigns.

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