
SEO promotion of one-page restaurant site

Increased organic traffic and quantity of conversions from clients from organic search


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: SEO promotion of one-page restaurant site
Input data

Customer: premium class restaurant complex in Kyiv

Situation: it was necessary to promote the site with minimal filling, without creation of alternative language versions. By branding requests of the resource, other sites on different topics are ranging.

alt text
increase organic traffic;
increase quantity of conversions from clients who visited site from organic search;
strengthening positions by branding request.
List of works

solving of technical problems which complicate the indexation of the site and interpretation of its content by search engine
solving of technical problems which complicate the indexation of the site and interpretation of its content by search engine
on-page optimization of meta tags
sending to indexation the site map
creating technical assignment for text writing for main page by our copywriters and further adding text to the site
increasing the link mass by placing press releases and crowd-links on thematic sites

some alt text

outputting current requests on leaders' positions in Google search results

considerable increase of organic traffic and conversions

some alt text
some alt text

increasing of number of phrases in search results in TOP 3 and TOP 10


outputting current requests on leaders' positions in Google search results

considerable increase of organic traffic and conversions

increasing of number of phrases in search results in TOP 3 and TOP 10

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