
Targeted advertising for Internet TV service Lanet.TV

How to decrease the price for lead during Christmas holidays


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Problem: before New Year, Facebook auctions are traditionally overflowing with bids from many customers, which leads to a significant increase in advertising costs. Therefore, the targeting specialist is faced with the task of further encouraging the audience to contact with advertising messages.

Task: decrease the price for lead during Christmas holidays.

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List of works

One of the encouragement methods is the use of situational content that is dedicated to a particular holiday or significant event. For advertising, we used the theme of St. Nicholas Day.
Both the advertisement and lead form were designed as an offer to write a holiday letter, because writing a letter to St. Nicholas is a wonderful tradition which like both children and adults.

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After a week of work with the St. Nicholas advertising campaign, it collected 464 applications and 75 activations of promo codes.

For comparison, for the same period of time a similar campaign without situational content collected 126 applications and 20 activations.

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Let's consider the effectiveness of these two campaigns in percentage.


After a week of work with the St. Nicholas advertising campaign, it collected 464 applications and 75 activations of promo codes.

For comparison, for the same period of time a similar campaign without situational content collected 126 applications and 20 activations.

Let's consider the effectiveness of these two campaigns in percentage.

The main problem of situational content is the large number of «garbage» leads and failures, but the price for lead is much lower, so we consider that the effectiveness of this method is proven.
To reduce the amount of «garbage» leads, we recommend adding questions to the form that should be filled in manually. However, this may cause some increase in the price of lead.

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