
How to double the number of conversions while reducing the cost of conversion by 50%


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: How to double the number of conversions while reducing the cost of conversion by 50%
Input data

Client: Internet provider in Lviv.

Timing: 1 year (07/15/2019 – 07/15/2020).

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Creating and settings up the Google Ads account.
Campaigns optimization.
List of works

Set up the account and added campaigns to the search engine.
Gathered semantic (keywords) and negative keywords.
Created 3 ads in each ads group (2 text ads and 1 adaptive ad).
Added extensions to ads.
Created campaigns on the GDN and added ads (adaptive and graphics).
Created the remarketing list to fill.
Optimization of advertising campaigns in the search and contextual media network.

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Launched advertising, in the first month we received 103 conversions, cost per one was 39.65 UAH.

Working on campaign optimization every month, we managed to improve our results almost twice, reducing the cost of conversion to 16.88 UAH.

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Launched advertising, in the first month we received 103 conversions, cost per one was 39.65 UAH.

Working on campaign optimization every month, we managed to improve our results almost twice, reducing the cost of conversion to 16.88 UAH.

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