
Google Ads advertising settings for a detailing studio

How to increase the number of conversions by 18% for non-essential services during blackouts


Home / Lanet CLICK сases / Case: Google Ads advertising settings for a detailing studio
Input data

Client: a company that provides car body protection, tinting with high-quality films and car styling.

Work period: 18 months.

Problem: the client asked to promote the list of its services, focusing most of all on car booking services with protective films.

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increase the number of forms sent from the site for detailing services.
What we did:

Created and launched Pmax campaigns.
Analyzed and supplemented with appropriate settings campaigns that previously worked in the client's account and had good results.
Optimized responsive ads to achieve better campaign performance.
Created remarketing campaigns to return to the target audience and remind about the company and services provided.
Analyzed search queries and created appropriate lists of negative keywords.

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Comparing the quarterly figures for 2023 and 2024, we have positive dynamics, namely an 18% increase in the number of successfully submitted forms from the site.

In 2023, their number was 190, and in 2024 it increased to 224 under the same advertising budgets and a difficult situation in the country.

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Comparing the quarterly figures for 2023 and 2024, we have positive dynamics, namely an 18% increase in the number of successfully submitted forms from the site.

In 2023, their number was 190, and in 2024 it increased to 224 under the same advertising budgets and a difficult situation in the country.

Sometimes it seems that advertising is already working, and there are no more growth points. However, it is always necessary to optimize current campaigns according to Google trends, as well as test new types of campaigns. In particular, in this project, we tested Performance Max, which helped us increase the conversion rate of the service even in times when external factors are unfavorable for this.

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