
Advertising on price aggregators

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What is interesting about advertising on price aggregators

This is an additional powerful tool for attracting new customers, which is guaranteed to increase the volume of sales.


And also high-quality traffic to the site and the growth of conversions


Comparison shopping websites allow users to find out all the necessary information about a product and compare prices. Placement on aggregators is a great option for both new businesses and experienced online stores. With the help of services, the company will receive traffic with hot leads and high conversion rates.

Why should you order advertising on price aggregators from us

Adjustment of accommodation from Lanet CLICK includes:

Automatic export of goods with prices

Allows you to save time spent on manual configuration and get new orders faster.

Selection of optimal sites

If you do not know which comparison shopping website is the best for your product, we will tell you.

Quick payback of invested fund

We will set up advertising, taking into account all the nuances, so that you immediately receive a stream of hot leads.

Systematic analysis of efficiency

If necessary, we will optimize the advertisement so that your business gets the maximum result.

What are the benefits of advertising on price aggregators

The main advantages that the business will receive include:

Rapid growth in sales

Relatively low cost of attracting leads

Quick and easy start of work

Work with potential clients

Traffic with high sales conversion

Why your business needs PPC

Order Google advertising so that as many people as possible learn about your company

Placing goods or services on price aggregators is an additional powerful tool for attracting new customers, which is guaranteed to increase your sales. Payment is made on the fact because you pay for real conversions to your site. The main advantage of such sites is that you get high-quality traffic with hot leads and high conversion rates.

Of course, price aggregators are not a panacea, but only one of the promotion tools on the Internet, which should be used in combination with others.

Our team of specialists will analyze the scale and specifics of your business and select the optimal platforms for advertising.

Go to PPC


What client companies say about us

During the cooperation, the company has proven itself as a professional and reliable partner, and the company's employees have shown high professionalism, creativity, and efficiency in fulfilling the assigned tasks. The professionalism of the specialists in Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

- Funduk.Ua

During our cooperation, this company won our trust with its impeccable work and responsibility for the final result. All services are provided with high quality and on time. We recommend Lanet Click LLC as a reliable and efficient partner in the field of IT services.

- Kovalska Invest LLC

During the period of cooperation, Lanet CLICK LLC has shown its ability to approach tasks with full responsibility and to perform work of high quality and on time. A distinctive feature of the agency's work is the high level of professionalism, organization of the company's employees, and honesty. They promptly respond to force majeure circumstances and effectively organize the work process. We recommend Lanet CLICK for cooperation as a reliable and stable business partner!

- JSC Oschadbank

The company has confirmed its professionalism, activity, and competence in performing the assigned tasks. We are satisfied with the work of Lanet Click LLC and recommend the company as a responsible and reliable partner.

- Lanet Network LTD

The company is a reliable partner, and the company's employees are professionals to whom you can entrust the matter and be sure of the quality and timeliness of the services provided. I confirm that the team of specialists at Lanet CLICK LLC ensures the high quality of the services provided.

- IntergalBudInvest

We are completely satisfied with our work with the Lanet CLICK team. The representatives have repeatedly confirmed their competence and ability to achieve results. Advertising, adjusted by them, works effectively, communication is clear, all tasks are completed in time and on a proper level. We recommend the agency as a reliable contractor.

- Berest

Sincere thanks to the Lanet CLICK team for the excellent work in the field of targeted advertising for our company. Specialists analyzed our audience in detail, created cool creatives and adjusted advertising campaigns so that our business received a significant increase in the number of customers and sales. They always stick to the negotiated budget, terms, and remind about the launch of new ideas and wishes. It is worth noting the prompt feedback and flexibility in solving any issues. The team is always in touch, offering creative solutions and updating strategies based on results. We recommend this company to everyone who seeks high-quality and effective promotion of their business online.

- KeramHall

We are very pleased! We see the results both by impressions and by average positions. We would like to add that the agency dispelled our previous experiences of cooperation with SEO specialists, because it was usually necessary to make a lot of effort to get something moving. Here, on the contrary, it feels like team have everything under control, and this issue is completely taken care of! Exceeded expectations-reality. We are satisfied with the partnership with Lanet CLICK. Special thanks to the project manager, like the communication, the structured approach and everything is very clear and prompt, so that there are never any questions. Super!


During our cooperation with the Lanet company, we were repeatedly convinced of its reliability and high level of services. The team always demonstrates diligence, promptly solving tasks and meeting deadlines. Separately, it is worth noting the adequate ratio of price and quality. Services are provided at a high level, the cost remains competitive. We recommend this company to everyone who is looking for a reliable partner in the field of Internet marketing.

- Power up

It is a pleasure to work with the team. The work is delivered on time, managers respond promptly to the assigned tasks. Also, I would like to note that in controversial situations, the team went to a meeting, so we were able to find a compromise. We recommend the services of the Lanet CLICK team.


We are often asked

We have collected the most frequently asked questions about advertising on comparison shopping websites

Why should you advertise in price aggregators?

Price aggregators are currently popular resources visited by millions every day. Advertising of an online store on such a platform has many advantages, including convenient promotion of goods at an acceptable cost, rapid traffic growth, users interested in the offered goods, the ability to interact with the target audience in neutral territory, and sufficient ease of use. To achieve maximum effectiveness, you can add other promotion methods to your marketing strategy – contextual advertising, targeted advertising, Google Ads settings, media advertising, and teaser advertising.

Who is suitable for promotion using aggregator sites?

Advertising using price aggregators has the highest performance indicators for companies that offer products that the user can choose, using characteristics (filters) specified on the site. In particular, they include goods from popular categories: household and computer equipment, everything for the home, goods for children, clothes and accessories, goods for beauty and health, jewelry, construction tools, plumbing, building materials, and much more.

How to pay for placement on price aggregators?

Payment for price aggregator services is carried out according to the auction principle. Stores or companies that place their products on such sites pay a fixed amount both for the placement of goods and for the transition of potential buyers from the site page to the advertised store. To select a payment method and calculate the approximate budget you need to allocate for advertising, leave a request on the website for consultation with an experienced specialist of our agency.

We are sure that you have already dealt with price aggregators regardless of whether you have an online store. Price aggregators are sites through which you can compare the offers of different sellers for the same products. At the same time, offers are beneficial for both buyers and sellers. Price aggregators are popular because of the significant savings in search time. It isn’t only the ability to buy a product cheaper. After all, if you independently search for the right product on the Internet, you can easily spend half the day and choose nothing.


These sites can significantly increase the number of contact points with the consumer. It makes the price aggregator a powerful channel of Internet marketing.




The operation of price comparison sites is more straightforward than it may seem. Such price aggregators are usually free to buyers, and the company that has placed the product should pay. Profits are generated by collecting payments from sellers who pay either a fixed amount for the placement of products, or the transfer of users by links from the aggregator to the pages of their stores. This mechanic is very similar to the PPC model.


A potential buyer can sort the search on such advertising aggregators by various parameters: price, manufacturer, brand, seller rating or current city.


Any company needs to register their account and download the price list of their products to start working with aggregators of advertising space.


The price list should contain the following information:

  • product name
  • product photo
  • product description
  • product price

Depending on the aggregator you choose, you need to sign a service contract. In some cases, you don’t need anything, expect new transitions right away.


Advantages of placement in price aggregators


For e-commerce business owners, advertising in price aggregators is another platform to reach a potential buyer. You will have a chance to increase your profits, despite competition from other sellers.


Among the main benefits you will get when working with site aggregators for comparison are:

  • Instant increase in sales due to the fact that most price aggregators are highly attended.
  • You are dealing with hot leads interested in your product.
  • Relatively low cost of attracting lead.
  • A source of traffic with a high sales conversion.
  • Easy start.
  • There is no need to invest large sums of money.


The most significant benefit of placing on such price aggregators are products that can be selected by selecting certain characteristics (filters) of the price aggregator. This group includes household appliances, smartphones, laptops and more. The so-called emotional shopping placement may be less effective: women’s accessories, cosmetics.


Site selection criteria


Now that we have understood the working principle, the question arises: “How to choose the right aggregator?”. The answer is straightforward: pay attention to those aggregators that are among the first results of search results. Often, these are the most popular sites that contain detailed information about product offers.


However, before choosing a site, you need to decide on the goal. The use of large sites can be a problem for a small company with well-established logistics.


The content-targeted advertising of the online store in price aggregators is effective. Statistics show that more buyers use aggregators, and almost all buyers (95%) are looking for the best price before buying a product.


These statistics sound like a compelling argument to start using such a tool to grow your business. You can easily attract new customers and see actual results from your work.


Popular price aggregators of Ukraine


In Ukraine, there are about twenty different advertising platforms for price comparison, such as price aggregators Hotline or Vcene.ua. We recommend that you test several sites and choose the 2-3 most optimal for your product, which will provide you with a flow of sales. This way, you will not be sprayed but will immediately get a stable flow of customers.


Аccording to a study by Retail Community, you can see the ranking of the most visited price aggregators:

  1. Hotline.ua
  2. Price.ua
  3. ek.ua
  4. m.ua


Leading platforms offer the best prices and coverage for your target audience.


Placement settings by Lanet CLICK include:

Automatic export of goods with prices directly to the price aggregator

It saves time spent on manual adjustment. This unloading will help you get new orders faster.

Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of advertising on each aggregator

We edit and improve advertising to get the most out of your business if necessary. We optimize your advertising campaign to maximize your profits!

Quick return on investment

Thanks to the competent setup of advertising on the sites of price aggregators, you will receive a flow of calls and already “hot” customers, which means increasing your company’s profitability.